with sagebrush
Showing 1–12 of 51 results
Agoseris glauca / yellow false dandelion
- yellow, dandelion-like flower - same size and color
- long-ish, thin leaves growing at ground level (a rosette); no lobes or pointy bits
- blooms in spring and summer
- shade intolerant but on sites ranging from moderately dry to wet
Agropyron cristatum / crested wheatgrass
- cool season grass growing in dense tufts
- easily recognized by planar spike
- spikelets overlap and are angled with respect to the stem
- common
Allium acuminatum – tapertip onion
- umbels with 10-40 flowers atop a tall scape
- 6 magenta (or white) tepals per flower
- few leaves and all withered prior to flowering
- dry hillsides, sun-exposed rocky meadows and slope, volcanic areas
Antennaria spp. / pussytoes
- small clusters of white flowers, often fringed with red
- flowers look like a cat's toes, sort of
- newest leaves silvery/hairy
- exposed, in many different habitats
Artemisia rigida / stiff sagebrush
- low growing deciduous shrub
- short, 3-5 lobed, grey leaves (hairy)
- mild to pungently aromatic leaves
- brittle branches up to 16 inches long
Artemisia tridentata / mountain big sagebrush
- medium-sized grey-green shrub
- highly aromatic
- tall, spikey inflorescences with many clusters of invisible flowers
- limited to drier habitats (not the Valley basin)
Artemisia tripartita / threetip sagebrush
- evergreen shrub; branches in broom-like clusters
- all parts covered with silvery/grey-green glandular hairs
- leaves long and very deeply, very distinctly 3-lobed
- flowers in spikes/racemes - all bits teeny, overall yellow-ish/reddish
- often with mountain big sagebrush on nutrient poor soils
Balsamorhiza sagittata / arrowleaf balsamroot
- large, bright yellow, sunflower-like blossoms in early spring
- very large, more or less triangular basal leaves
- leaves appear silvery, or grey-green due to leaf hairs
- on open, fairly dry hillsides and ridges, often with sagebrush
Bassia scoparia / burningbush
- large, annual herb (forb)
- leaves long-ish and narrow
- inflorescence a highly branched spike with teeny green/yellow flowers
- may form huge, invasive colonies
- whole plant turns red in fall
- a tumbleweed
- especially in disturbed areas and wastelands in the Valley
Boechera retrofracta / reflexed rockcress
- spring blooming crucifer (brassica)
- white or lavender, pendent, bell-shaped flowers
- many flowers on a single stalk (raceme)
- hairy rosette and stem leaves
- usually in rocky, sagebrush communities
Bromus tectorum / cheatgrass
- short bunchgrass, 2 to 30 in at floweirng
- panicle with all florets to one side; long awns
- early season growth, flowering, seed drop
- florets green, turning purple as seeds mature
- highly invasive!
Calochortus nuttallii / sego lily
- 3 large white petals
- purple spots that border yellow glands
- tangle of hairs (a "beard") at the base of the petals
- but... very variable arrangement of spots, hairs etc.
- rocky, exposed sites
Showing 1–12 of 51 results