wet(ter) meadows
Showing 1–12 of 28 results
Aconitum columbianum / monkshood
- brilliant blue/purple - ish; mixed colors or white
- petal-like sepals form the hood
- palmate, deeply-lobed & toothed leaves
Allium schoenoprasum / chives
- globe-shaped umbels of pink flowers with darker midveins (stripes)
- hollow, tubular leaves and flower stalks
- smells like onions
- grows from bulbs in clumps or sometimes individually
- wild in wetlands, fens, meadows; cultivated in gardens
Angelica arguta / Lyall’s angelica
- white to yellow to pink-ish
- compound umbel with teeny individual flowers
- many-toothed compound leaves with sheath surrounding petiole
- leaflets egg-shaped to narrowly oval
- pungent parsley/celery/anise scent when leaves crushed
Argentina anserina / silverweed
- silvery, compound leaves on low, creeping stems
- yellow, 5+ petaled flowers; lots of stamens
- fens, other wetlands, but also roadsides
Carex spectabilis / showy sedge
- roadsides or in wet and seasonally flooded meadows
- showy inflorescences... yellow (stamens) above white (stigmas) on a purple background
- grass/iris-like leaves up to 2 feet tall
Cicuta douglasii / water hemlock
- primarily on continuously wet soils, e.g. ditches, stream banks, pond margins, marshes.
- white compound umbel inflorescence typical of the Apiaceae/Umbelliferae
- multiply compound leaves with prominent veins ending in notches between lobes
Cirsium scariosum / elk thistle
- usually tall, quite prickly thistle with deeply lobed, spiny leaves
- large, lavender (pink to purple) flowers hidden by the long leaves
- covered with white hairs giving it a silvery look overall
- in moist areas, in full sun
Dodecatheon pulchellum / shooting star
- five pink to lavender lobes projecting backwards
- white or yellow petal bases above a squiggly purple ring
- anthers joined into a projecting point; stigma projecting past the point
- snowmelt to early spring
- wet meadows to sagebrush communities
Equisetum hyemale / rough horsetail
- thin green stems with black bands; no branches
- possible cone-like structure at the apex
- usually in large colonies
- prefers continuously moist soils
Geum macrophyllum / largeleaf avens
- yellow, 5-petaled flowers; not glossy
- many long styles in green center
- fruits look like little marbles covered with red velcro
- fruits and flowers present at the same time
- deeply divided, sessile leaves on flowering stems
Helenium autumnale / common sneezeweed
- 2" flower head with nearly spherical central disk; numerous yellow rays
- found in moist areas in full or partial sun
- sessile or clasping lance shaped leaves on an angled and winged stem
Heracleum maximum / cow parsnip
- very tall - stands above most other herbs and forbs
- huge leaves with clasping sheaths at the stem junction
- leaves lobed and like a very large maple
- huge flat umbels with white flowers
- grooved, woolly, stout stem
Showing 1–12 of 28 results