shaded edges
Showing 1–12 of 13 results
Apocynum cannabinum / common dogbane
- herbaceous perennial with red stems and long/narrow leaves
- leaves have prominent veins
- leaves and stems exude white latex if broken
- white, bell-shaped flowers held erect in stalked clusters
- seedpods long, thin and brownish; in pairs
- often near streams or in moist places
Arnica cordifolia / heartleaf arnica
- yellow, daisy-like flowers; 1-2 per shoot
- opposite, heart shaped leaves; long petioles; 2-4 pair per stem
- large clonal colonies with many flowering and non-flowering shoots
- the dominant ground cover in moderate shade in many forests
Artemisia cana / silver sagebrush
- Low perennial, silvery shrub
- Highly aromatic, like sagebrush
- Entire leaves - no lobes
- Nondescript, inconspicuous flowers in small clusters with leaf-like bracts
- Grows in more moist habitat than other Artemisia spp.
Corydalis aurea / scrambled eggs
- prostrate herb, up to 15" tall
- moist but well-drained soils, including on roadsides
- yellow tubular flowers, with spurs
- highly dissected leaves, blue-grey except when young
- fruits are pod-like, resembling peas or beans
Dactylis glomerata / orchardgrass
- perennial bunchgrass
- branched inflorescence with lowest branch well below the others
- spikelets wedge-shaped, flattened in tight clusters
- florets green to red/purple tinged; grey-brown when seeds mature
- introduced and widespread, but not in wet areas
Fritillaria atropurpurea / spotted fritillary
- uncommon, difficult to find, hard to see
- six "petal" nodding flower - yellow with dark purple spots
- six bright yellow anthers
- few, grass-like leaves
- usually growing in the [plant] litter at the edge of a forest
Osmorhiza spp / sweet cicely
- broad compound, bluntly toothed, fern-like leaves 3 times compoundly divided
- compound umbels of tiny white flowers; May-June
- short, understory herb
Pteridium aquilinum / common bracken
- a fern with large, triangular fronds, up to 4 ft tall
- fronds subdivided into triangular leaflets
- herbaceous perennial
- deciduous with annual regrowth first appearing as fiddleheads in spring
- wide range of habitats, including full sun
Ribes lacustre / prickly currant
- deeply lobed, maple-like leaves
- prickly stems with spines at nodes
- shrub to ca. 4 feet tall
- teeny cream & purple flowers in dangling clusters in spring
- red berries in late summer maturing to very small black berries
Shepherdia canadensis / Canadian buffaloberry
- deciduous shrub, opposite branches and leaves; understory
- trichomes (hairs) on lower, often upper surfaces.
- lower surface has rust-colored scales
- teeny yellowish flowers before leaves appear; male and female on separate plants
- red or orange, oval fruits with one stony seed; soapy when crushed
Vaccinium scoparium / grouse whortleberry
- low growing deciduous shrub
- clonally spreading
- green twigs and small (3/4 inch), oval, light green leaves
- teeny, pendant, urn-shaped white/pink flowers
- red berries in fall
Valeriana dioica / wood valerian
- perennial herb, up to 18"
- stem leaves lobed with egg-shaped "leaflets"
- inflorescence - compact, round-topped umbel-like cluster; white flowers
- flowers are teeny! ca. 1/8" with protruding stamens
- mostly in dry to moist forests
Showing 1–12 of 13 results