Showing 13–24 of 56 results
Castilleja miniata / scarlet paintbrush
- bright red, or orange or sometimes yellow bracts that are mistaken for flowers
- looks like a red feather duster, but only a few inches long
- generally low, and along streams or roadsides on hills where there is moisture
- leaves ovoid with prominent veins, no petioles
Chimaphila umbellata / pipsissewa
- small herb/forb
- shiny, toothed lance point leaves
- half-inch, pink and white, upside down flowers
- flowers in umbel like cluster
- flowers with minimally visible style
Cirsium arvense / Canada thistle
- purple or lavender clearly-thistle flower heads
- multiple small flower heads per stem
- deeply lobed, spiny leaves, but stems not spiny
- clonal and perennial
- in clumps or along roads, sometimes quite large/long
Comandra umbellata / bastard toadflax
- teeny, funnel-shaped white-ish flowers in clusters
- small plants, thick-ish, pointy stem leaves; more oval basal leaves
- clonal - may colonize large areas
Convulvulus arvensis / field bindweed
- prostrate and twining vine with white "morning-glory" flowers
- may be so dense as to choke out other plants
- roadsides, agricultural fields, waste areas
- "noxious" in Idaho
Delphinium bicolor / low larkspur
- short plant with a spike of purple flowers
- individual flowers have a pronounced spur out the back
- leaves are few, round, deeply lobed, about the size of a quarter
- widespread throughout the valley and on the hills
- appears and blooms soon after snowmelt
Dianthus armeria / Deptford pink
- PINK! 5 petaled, very small flowers
- Toothed edges; white spots on petals, numerous stamens
- Linear, opposite leaves; bases make sheath around stem
- Disturbed areas; happy enough in the worst of soils
Erysimum cheiranthoides / wormseed wallflower
- yellow, 4-petaled flower, less than 1/3 inch across
- lance shaped or elliptical, sessile leaves varying little in size or shape
- leaf margins entire or coarsely toothed
- ribbed stems
- ascending or erect siliques with short pedicels
- disturbed and waste areas
Gaillardia aristata / common blanketflower
- bright red petals with yellow tips, or yellow petals the whole way
- reddish brown central disk
- attractive yellow seed balls with tufts of red hair all over
- leathery, slightly hairy leaves
Hackelia micrantha / Jessica sticktight
- teeny blue flowers with yellow/white centers
- flowers appear singly or in groups above developing fruit
- inflorescence mostly on one side of the stem
- lower leaves long and narrow; upper leaves fewer and sessile
- fruit a pointy and tenacious nutlet
Helianthus annuus / sunflower
- tall with big, drooping leaves (up to 15x15 inches)
- large sunflower like flowers - yellow petals, darker disk
- disturbed edges and waste areas, roadsides, near crops
Heliomeris multiflora / showy goldeneye
- a "Doggone" Yellow Composite (DYC) with 5-14 ray florets; golden dome of disc florets
- multi-stemmed perennial forms clumps
- often seen in profusion (but not always)
- long, thin, lanceolate to linear leaves; maybe with a few small teeth along the edges
- leaves have a strong midrib vein and distinct side veins
Showing 13–24 of 56 results