Showing 13–24 of 31 results
Galium borealis / northern bedstraw
- teeny 4-petaled white flowers in small to large clusters
- two pairs of opposite leaves in a whorl around the stem
- linear leaves - like rosemary
- smooth stems... not hairy or sticky like other bedstraws
Geum macrophyllum / largeleaf avens
- yellow, 5-petaled flowers; not glossy
- many long styles in green center
- fruits look like little marbles covered with red velcro
- fruits and flowers present at the same time
- deeply divided, sessile leaves on flowering stems
Heracleum maximum / cow parsnip
- very tall - stands above most other herbs and forbs
- huge leaves with clasping sheaths at the stem junction
- leaves lobed and like a very large maple
- huge flat umbels with white flowers
- grooved, woolly, stout stem
Iris missouriensis / western blue flag iris
- wetland monocot - long leaves, parallel veins
- large blue flower with yellow "signal" stripe, purple veins
- 3 petals, 3 sepals make up the flower
- blooms in spring
- "like a domestic iris on a diet"
Lonicera involucrata / twinberry honeysuckle
- flowers - inconspicuous, paired, yellow, bell-shaped with green bracts
- leaves - opposite, oval, often hairy beneath
- fruit - a pair of blue-black/purple berries with red, winglike bracts
- multi-stemmed shrub - to 15 feet tall
Maianthemum racemosum / Solomon’s plume
- "feathery" inflorescence - panicle
- 6 white tepals on teeny flowers
- long-blooming in late spring, sometimes into summer
- green berries --> red as they ripen
- alternate, clasping leaves on erect stems
Oenothera villosa / hairy evening primrose
- yellow flowers on tall stalks, several flowers in a cluster
- 4 petals; 8 stamens; large, 4 part stigma
- hairy - often reddish - stems; hairy leaves
- lance-shaped leaves, larger on stem than basal
- disturbed areas and stream banks
Packera pseudaurea / falsegold groundsel
- yellow, flat-topped cluster of daisy-like flowers
- oval, erect basal leaves with long petioles and round/blunt-toothed edges
- generally in moist to wet habitats
Persicaria amphibia / water smartweed
- shocking pink flower clusters
- oval, leathery leaves
- either submerged or on stream or pond banks
Phalaris arundinacea / reed canarygrass
- large, coarse, erect grass
- long, flat blades with pointy tips... from base
- distinct ligule—membranous and long
- large but compact inflorescences (panicles)
- often in dense monocultures, e.g. on river banks
Polemonium occidentale / western Jacob’s ladder
- brilliantly blue flowers with bright yellow anthers, in clusters
- pinnately compound leaves with up to 27 narrow, lance-shaped leaflets
- most leaves on separate stems from the flowers
- usually in wetlands
Potentilla fruticosa / shrubby cinquefoil
- low, deciduous, shrub; wetlands and riparian zones
- yellow buttercup-like flowers with 5 leaflets, often in clusters
- blooms from June until frost
- pinnately compound leaves, typically with 5 leaflets
- fruit (achene) remains into winter
Showing 13–24 of 31 results