pine forests
Showing 1–12 of 13 results
Actaea rubra / red baneberry
- large, coarsely toothed, deeply lobed compound leaves
- clusters of teeny white flowers that look feathery or fluffy (due to stamens)
- green berries in late summer, maturing to red or white
- black dot at tip of each berry
- moist understory or shade
Agoseris glauca / yellow false dandelion
- yellow, dandelion-like flower - same size and color
- long-ish, thin leaves growing at ground level (a rosette); no lobes or pointy bits
- blooms in spring and summer
- shade intolerant but on sites ranging from moderately dry to wet
Allium geyeri / Geyer’s onion
- smells like onions
- magenta (occasionally white) flowers on ca. 15 inch stem
- each flower urn-shaped with flared, pointy tips; yellow anthers
- leaves persistent during flowering
- rocky slopes in brush and pines, sometimes in dense stands
Arnica cordifolia / heartleaf arnica
- yellow, daisy-like flowers; 1-2 per shoot
- opposite, heart shaped leaves; long petioles; 2-4 pair per stem
- large clonal colonies with many flowering and non-flowering shoots
- the dominant ground cover in moderate shade in many forests
Claytonia lanceolata / lanceleaf spring beauty
- small, very early spring, ephemeral
- 5 white or pink-ish petals with pink/purple stripes
- pair of opposite leaves at mid-stem; lanceolate
Doellingeria engelmannii / Engelmann’s aster
- shade tolerant - in mountain woods and meadows
- late summer/autumn blooming
- each blossom/flower has only a few curly rays around a yellow disk
- ray florets mostly white, but possibly pink or blue
- ovate leaves, mostly hairless and sessile; prominent veins.
Eremogone congesta / sandwort
- very small (teeny) white flowers in a ball-like arrangement
- tufts of pointy-tipped needle-like leaves 3" or less long
- cushion plant
- dry, rocky or sandy soils, rock crevices
Erigeron speciosus / aspen fleabane
- prolific purple-ish flowers with many "petals" and a yellow center
- forest openings and edges, meadows
- late blooming - a "fall aster"
Hesperostipa comata / needle and thread
- widely spaced bunchgrass
- glossy leaves, smooth stem
- narrow inflorescence with long awns (hairs)
- sharp, needle-like seed retaining the awn
- drought tolerant
Mahonia repens / creeping Oregon grape
- pinnately compound with toothed, holly-like leaflets
- clusters of yellow flowers in spring; blue berries in late summer
- low, creeping shrub
- evergreen - but winter leaves are reddish
Picea pungens / Colorado blue spruce
- conical, layered crown; whorled branches
- frequent epicormic branches; "woolly" look
- stout, yellow-brown twigs with sterigmata (woody pegs)
- cones greater than 2.5" long
- cone scales stiff at base, diamond shaped, not wavy at tips
- in mixed conifer forests
Pinus contorta / lodgepole pine
- evergreen conifer
- needles in groups (fascicles) of 2
- lopsided cones, (mostly) remain on tree when mature
- rounded crown; orangey-brown scaly bark
Showing 1–12 of 13 results