Showing 1–12 of 53 results
Agropyron cristatum / crested wheatgrass
- cool season grass growing in dense tufts
- easily recognized by planar spike
- spikelets overlap and are angled with respect to the stem
- common
Allium schoenoprasum / chives
- globe-shaped umbels of pink flowers with darker midveins (stripes)
- hollow, tubular leaves and flower stalks
- smells like onions
- grows from bulbs in clumps or sometimes individually
- wild in wetlands, fens, meadows; cultivated in gardens
Anaphalis margaritacea / pearly everlasting
- hairy leaves and stems, often in dense colonies
- inflorescences dominated by white involucral bracts
- actual flowers are small, yellow and in the center
- commonly on dry soils
- great for dried flower arrangements
Arnica cordifolia / heartleaf arnica
- yellow, daisy-like flowers; 1-2 per shoot
- opposite, heart shaped leaves; long petioles; 2-4 pair per stem
- large clonal colonies with many flowering and non-flowering shoots
- the dominant ground cover in moderate shade in many forests
Artemisia cana / silver sagebrush
- Low perennial, silvery shrub
- Highly aromatic, like sagebrush
- Entire leaves - no lobes
- Nondescript, inconspicuous flowers in small clusters with leaf-like bracts
- Grows in more moist habitat than other Artemisia spp.
Astragalus miser / timber milkvetch
- compound leaves with small, egg-shaped leaflets
- teeny, pea-like flowers - bicolored but overall blue/purple
- keel tip is purple and pointed
- small, hairy seed pods
- grassland, meadows, and other open communities
Bistorta bistortoides / American bistort
- rocky areas, tundra/alpine
- inflorescence a 2" dense cylinder with many teeny white flowers
- notable protruding stamens
- leaves basal, long/thin and leathery
Convulvulus arvensis / field bindweed
- prostrate and twining vine with white "morning-glory" flowers
- may be so dense as to choke out other plants
- roadsides, agricultural fields, waste areas
- "noxious" in Idaho
Cynoglossum officinale / houndstongue
- reddish-purple flowers in upper leaf axils
- forms basal rosette with hairy leaves in first year
- stem leaves lance shaped, hairy, rough
- fruit - small nutlets with barbs or hooks
Dactylis glomerata / orchardgrass
- perennial bunchgrass
- branched inflorescence with lowest branch well below the others
- spikelets wedge-shaped, flattened in tight clusters
- florets green to red/purple tinged; grey-brown when seeds mature
- introduced and widespread, but not in wet areas
Danthonia californica / California oatgrass
- medium-sized, cool season bunchgrass
- florets widely spaced with long stalks on an open panicle
- may have flowering stems that appear wiry and crinkled
- when flowering, stamens are purple
Delphinium x occidentale / tall larkspur
- white with blue center, long white spur (tail) out the back
- flowers on tall racemes, up to 6 feet - more than 50 per stalk
- highly divided/lobed leaves
- flowers look a lot like garden larkspurs
Showing 1–12 of 53 results