forest gaps and roadsides
Showing 25–28 of 28 results
Urtica dioica / stinging nettle
- near streams and moist bogs, in woodland understories, disturbed places, wastelands
- leaves - strongly serrated margin, a heart-shaped base, a pointed tip
- flower - greenish or brownish in dense dangling clusters
- nasty hairs that sting you
Valeriana dioica / wood valerian
- perennial herb, up to 18"
- stem leaves lobed with egg-shaped "leaflets"
- inflorescence - compact, round-topped umbel-like cluster; white flowers
- flowers are teeny! ca. 1/8" with protruding stamens
- mostly in dry to moist forests
Viola adunca / hooked violet
- early spring, low to ground
- small violet (blue) flowers with small white beards, small reddish spur
- heart-shaped leaves
- generally in somewhat moist areas
Viola canadensis / white violet
- heart-shaped (like Valentines) leaves, 3-ish inches long
- sharp leaf tips; rounded teeth
- white flowers (1 inch) with yellow centers, petals purple-tinged on back side
- understory, but may also be exposed
- blooms in early spring
Showing 25–28 of 28 results