forest gaps and roadsides
Showing 13–24 of 28 results
Hieracium scouleri / western hawkweed
- dandelion-like yellow flower heads
- square-ended petals; long stamens with split ends
- central yellow "button"
- hairy all over, especially on leaves and lower stem
- blooms all summer
Leucanthemum vulgare / oxeye daisy
- bright, white "petals", 2-3" across; yellow centers
- s/he loves me, s/he loves me not
- glossy green, spoon-shaped leaves in a 2 foot dome
- may form large colonies
- potentially wide spread
Madia glomerata / mountain tarweed
- stems, leaves, flowers - strongly aromatic, like tar
- sticky glandular hairs cover foliage and floral bracts
- flowers in clusters with 1 to 3 yellow ray florets
- disk florets retain visible petals; black stamens
Mahonia repens / creeping Oregon grape
- pinnately compound with toothed, holly-like leaflets
- clusters of yellow flowers in spring; blue berries in late summer
- low, creeping shrub
- evergreen - but winter leaves are reddish
Maianthemum racemosum / Solomon’s plume
- "feathery" inflorescence - panicle
- 6 white tepals on teeny flowers
- long-blooming in late spring, sometimes into summer
- green berries --> red as they ripen
- alternate, clasping leaves on erect stems
Maianthemum stellatum / starry false Solomon’s seal
- blooms in late June (ish) in the Valley, mildly fragrant.
- teeny star-shaped flowers with 6 white tepals
- one inflorescence (raceme) per stem
- small berries progressing from green to purple to red with maturity
- alternate, long and narrow leaves clasping the stem
Osmorhiza spp / sweet cicely
- broad compound, bluntly toothed, fern-like leaves 3 times compoundly divided
- compound umbels of tiny white flowers; May-June
- short, understory herb
Potentilla norvegica / rough cinquefoil
- 5 yellow petals, not fused
- 5 sepals longer than petals, esp. after flowering
- numerous stamens and pistils
- compound leaves with leaflets grouped in 3s
- prominent veins; toothed margins
- hairy stems
- mostly in disturbed areas, including gardens
Prunella vulgaris / self-heal
- compact spike of tiny purple, mint-like flowers
- upper/lower lips purple and white respectively
- square stems, opposite leaves
Rubus parviflorus / thimbleberry
- raspberry-like shrub usually in a clump
- white flowers with many stamens, up to 2.5 inches diameter
- large, fuzzy maple-like leaves
- blooms in spring; red, raspberry-like fruit in the fall
Sorbus scopulina / western mountain ash
- moderate sized shrub with pinnately compound leaves
- 9-13 leaflets per leaf (usually)
- teeny white flowers in large rounded clusters
- yellow berries in August become bright red in September
- rocky hillsides, creek sides, open woods
Symphiocarpos oreophilus / mountain snowberry
- small pink (or white) bell or funnel shaped flowers, singly or in pairs
- shrub - upright or spreading
- most visible in late summer when the white "berries" ripen
- in the open or in canopy gaps; along the sides Forest Service roads
Showing 13–24 of 28 results