forest gaps
Showing 1–12 of 13 results
Actaea rubra / red baneberry
- large, coarsely toothed, deeply lobed compound leaves
- clusters of teeny white flowers that look feathery or fluffy (due to stamens)
- green berries in late summer, maturing to red or white
- black dot at tip of each berry
- moist understory or shade
Allium geyeri / Geyer’s onion
- smells like onions
- magenta (occasionally white) flowers on ca. 15 inch stem
- each flower urn-shaped with flared, pointy tips; yellow anthers
- leaves persistent during flowering
- rocky slopes in brush and pines, sometimes in dense stands
Apocynum cannabinum / common dogbane
- herbaceous perennial with red stems and long/narrow leaves
- leaves have prominent veins
- leaves and stems exude white latex if broken
- white, bell-shaped flowers held erect in stalked clusters
- seedpods long, thin and brownish; in pairs
- often near streams or in moist places
Artemisia cana / silver sagebrush
- Low perennial, silvery shrub
- Highly aromatic, like sagebrush
- Entire leaves - no lobes
- Nondescript, inconspicuous flowers in small clusters with leaf-like bracts
- Grows in more moist habitat than other Artemisia spp.
Chimaphila umbellata / pipsissewa
- small herb/forb
- shiny, toothed lance point leaves
- half-inch, pink and white, upside down flowers
- flowers in umbel like cluster
- flowers with minimally visible style
Eremogene kingii / King’s sandwort
- low-growing herb with long, thin basal leaf clusters
- white, 5-petaled flowers, ca. 1/2 in across, in terminal clusters
- 10 stamens, sometimes dark, sometimes white
- at higher elevations on shallow soil
Erigeron speciosus / aspen fleabane
- prolific purple-ish flowers with many "petals" and a yellow center
- forest openings and edges, meadows
- late blooming - a "fall aster"
Erythronium grandiflorum / glacier lily
- striking, yellow, six tepals - recurved and nodding
- large, yellow or red anthers, a single pistil
- two large green basal leaves
- early spring
Hydrophyllum capitatum / ballhead waterleaf
- leaves to 10" tall, deeply lobed (7-11 lobes)
- globe of purple-blue-white flowers below the leaves or at ground level
- flowers are fuzzy while still in bud
- rocky, shady, seasonally moist sites
Packera streptanthifolia / Rocky Mountain groundsel
- yellow-flowered composite; "flowers" on branched inflorescence
- 8-13 half-inch ray florets, usually spaced apart
- thick, spatula-shaped basal leaves without teeth or clefts
- thin, often deeply lobed stem leaves
- dry woodlands and rocky places
Ribes lacustre / prickly currant
- deeply lobed, maple-like leaves
- prickly stems with spines at nodes
- shrub to ca. 4 feet tall
- teeny cream & purple flowers in dangling clusters in spring
- red berries in late summer maturing to very small black berries
Thalictrum occidentale / western meadow-rue
- delicate compound leaves, each segment with 3 lobes
- leaves "look like" columbine
- male and female flowers on separate plants
- all flowers teeny, in clumps, somewhat to really purple
- in moist habitats, esp. stream banks in forests
Showing 1–12 of 13 results