
Showing 25–28 of 28 results

  • Triglochin maritima / seaside arrowgrass

    • in bogs, fens, and roadsides through them
    • "grass-like" leaves - semicircular cross section with a groove down the middle
    • tall flowering spikes with many crowded, green/yellow-ish, teeny flowers
    • clonal, so often in widely spaced clumps
  • Utricularia macrorhiza / common bladderwort

    • free-floating aquatic perennial; only the flowers are above water
    • yellow, snap-dragon-like flowers; up to 20 per stalk; ca. 1" across
    • very fine "leaves" underwater, supported by small (1/8") bladders
    • carnivorous and/or symbiotic - bladders capture/digest v. small animals, harbor symbionts
  • Valeriana dioica / wood valerian

    • perennial herb, up to 18"
    • stem leaves lobed with egg-shaped "leaflets"
    • inflorescence - compact, round-topped umbel-like cluster; white flowers
    • flowers are teeny! ca. 1/8" with protruding stamens
    • mostly in dry to moist forests
  • Zizia aptera / golden Alexanders

    • yellow, compound umbel infloresecence
    • basal leaves are heart-shaped
    • blooms in early to late spring

Showing 25–28 of 28 results