Showing 85–96 of 141 results
Noccea fendleri ssp. idahoensis / wild candytuft
- white crucifer, four petals in two parallel rows
- flowers in terminal clusters
- basal rosette leaves with a few on the stalks
- wetter areas
Oenothera villosa / hairy evening primrose
- yellow flowers on tall stalks, several flowers in a cluster
- 4 petals; 8 stamens; large, 4 part stigma
- hairy - often reddish - stems; hairy leaves
- lance-shaped leaves, larger on stem than basal
- disturbed areas and stream banks
Osmorhiza spp / sweet cicely
- broad compound, bluntly toothed, fern-like leaves 3 times compoundly divided
- compound umbels of tiny white flowers; May-June
- short, understory herb
Oxytropis sericea / white-point vetch
- white "pea" flowers in clusters of up to 25
- banner petal white with purple/blue veins
- hairy, pinnately compound leaves, all basal
- disturbed areas, especially exposed to cold, drought, high light etc.
- pretty, but toxic to grazing animals
Ozomelis stauropetala / side-flowered mitrewort
- teeny, white, star-like flowers spaced out on one side of a leafless stem
- basal leaves, slightly lobed
- understory in moist woods
Packera multilobata / lobeleaf groundsel
- deeply lobed leaves, mostly at the base of the plant
- bright yellow daisy-like flowers, 10-30 in a cluster per plant
- orange-yellow disk florets
- woodlands, foothills, and generally dry/ sandy/ rocky places.
Packera pseudaurea / falsegold groundsel
- yellow, flat-topped cluster of daisy-like flowers
- oval, erect basal leaves with long petioles and round/blunt-toothed edges
- generally in moist to wet habitats
Pedicularis bracteosa / towering lousewort
- dense, narrow inflorescence on upper half of stem
- yellow, beak-like flowers with upper and lower lips
- flowers from bottom to top
- conspicuous, fern-like leaves
- old flowers become light brown but remain on stalk
Pedicularis groenlandica / elephant head
- flowers range from pink to purple or white
- flowers each have a long, pointed, upward curving beak like an elephant's trunk and lateral lobes that look like elephant's ears
- sharply-toothed fernlike leaves
- wet environments in late June, early July
Penstemon cyaneus / blue penstemon
- two-toned totally tubular flower (blue and pink-ish)
- early spring to at least mid-summer
- widespread in low disturbance habitats - even when rocky and "bare"
Penstemon rydbergii / Rydberg’s penstemon
- small, blue/purple tubular flowers in leafy whorls
- flowers lack glands or hairs
- basal rosette of bright green, spoon-shaped leaves without glands or hairs
- stem leaves are lanceolate, around flower clusters
- wetter areas, but also along Victor/Driggs bike path
Phacelia heterophylla / varied leaf scorpionweed
- spirally arranged, teeny white flowers with very long stamens
- flowers turn brown soon after opening
- all parts of the plant are hairy
- not all that common, but widespread
Showing 85–96 of 141 results