Showing 61–72 of 141 results
Hackelia micrantha / Jessica sticktight
- teeny blue flowers with yellow/white centers
- flowers appear singly or in groups above developing fruit
- inflorescence mostly on one side of the stem
- lower leaves long and narrow; upper leaves fewer and sessile
- fruit a pointy and tenacious nutlet
Hackelia patens / spotted stickseed
- small (but not teeny) white, 5-petaled flowers with delicate blue stripes at bases
- stamens arising from a "hole" in the middle of the flowers where petals are fused
- usually around sage, in early spring
- fruits are obnoxious - but small - burs (nutlets) that stick to everything
Hesperis matronalis / dame’s rocket
- biennial, 3+ feet tall in second year
- 4-petaled flowers, especially purple or lavender
- large inflorescences with many flowers
- garden escapee
- roadsides, waste places
Huechera cylindrica / coral bells
- oval-shaped leaves growing in clumps/tufts - all basal
- leaf edges with small lobes or teeth
- teeny pale yellow, creamy, green or pink flowers on a leafless stem
- flowers more dense at top of spike than lower down
- in woods, on cliff-side ledges, rocky slopes and subalpine meadows
Hydrophyllum capitatum / ballhead waterleaf
- leaves to 10" tall, deeply lobed (7-11 lobes)
- globe of purple-blue-white flowers below the leaves or at ground level
- flowers are fuzzy while still in bud
- rocky, shady, seasonally moist sites
Ipomopsis aggregata / scarlet gilia
- bright red (usually), elongated, trumpet-like flowers; 5 petals
- late season (July, August) flowers may be white
- highly divided, comb-like leaves
- pollination by hummingbirds (red forms) and moths (white, late forms)
- smells bad but tastes good
Iris missouriensis / western blue flag iris
- wetland monocot - long leaves, parallel veins
- large blue flower with yellow "signal" stripe, purple veins
- 3 petals, 3 sepals make up the flower
- blooms in spring
- "like a domestic iris on a diet"
Juniperus scopulorum / Rocky Mountain juniper
- small, rounded evergreen tree (or shrub)
- fibrous, red to grey, shredded bark
- pollen and seed cones at branch tips on separate plants
- female cones blue berries with a waxy, whitish bloom
- leaves on mature plants scale-like
- leaves on young plants are prickly, needle-like
Koeleria macrantha / Prairie Junegrass
- short, tuft-forming bunchgrass
- leaves short and basal with raised veins
- grows in early spring; flowers in June/July
- spike-like cylindrical inflorescence, 2-5" long, tan or purple
- scattered distributions, esp. in rocky or sandy forests or plains
Leucanthemum vulgare / oxeye daisy
- bright, white "petals", 2-3" across; yellow centers
- s/he loves me, s/he loves me not
- glossy green, spoon-shaped leaves in a 2 foot dome
- may form large colonies
- potentially wide spread
Lithophragma parviflorum / smallflower woodland star
- small, white (or mauve) flowers with 5 highly disected petals
- up to 14 flowers per stalk, usually much less
- deeply lobed, glandularly pubescent leaves at stem bases
- spring bloomer in a wide variety of habitats
Lithospermum ruderale / Columbia puccoon
- small, pale yellow flowers in early spring
- flowers in dense clusters, nestled among the leaves
- 1–3 in. long, linear leaves, notably crowded on upper part of stems
- in dry areas, especially with sagebrush
Showing 61–72 of 141 results