late summer
Showing 61–72 of 128 results
Helenium autumnale / common sneezeweed
- 2" flower head with nearly spherical central disk; numerous yellow rays
- found in moist areas in full or partial sun
- sessile or clasping lance shaped leaves on an angled and winged stem
Helianthus annuus / sunflower
- tall with big, drooping leaves (up to 15x15 inches)
- large sunflower like flowers - yellow petals, darker disk
- disturbed edges and waste areas, roadsides, near crops
Heliomeris multiflora / showy goldeneye
- a "Doggone" Yellow Composite (DYC) with 5-14 ray florets; golden dome of disc florets
- multi-stemmed perennial forms clumps
- often seen in profusion (but not always)
- long, thin, lanceolate to linear leaves; maybe with a few small teeth along the edges
- leaves have a strong midrib vein and distinct side veins
Heracleum maximum / cow parsnip
- very tall - stands above most other herbs and forbs
- huge leaves with clasping sheaths at the stem junction
- leaves lobed and like a very large maple
- huge flat umbels with white flowers
- grooved, woolly, stout stem
Hesperis matronalis / dame’s rocket
- biennial, 3+ feet tall in second year
- 4-petaled flowers, especially purple or lavender
- large inflorescences with many flowers
- garden escapee
- roadsides, waste places
Heuchera parvifolia / littleleaf alumroot
- subalpine, alpine... on rocks
- clusters of round or kidney-shaped leaves
- leaves lobed, all basal (no stem leaves)
- inflorescences tower over leaves
- clumps of teeny, yellow flowers along a spike-like flowering stalk
Hordeum jubatum / foxtail barley
- attractive roadside grass
- long, silky, glistening awns; red, green, purple-ish
- awns and bracts are sharp and barbed... potentially dangerous to dogs
Iliamna rivularis / streambank globemallow
- showy, pink flowers, sometimes rose or nearly white
- tall, up to 6 feet
- large, broadly "heart-shaped" leaves with big, triangular lobes
Lactuca serriola / prickly lettuce
- numerous dime-sized yellow flowers in an "airy" panicle
- buds droop or hang in a "shepherd's hook" before opening
- seed heads are dandelion-like, but more delicate
- highly divided, prickly leaves
- mostly in "waste" areas
Ligusticum filicinum / fern-leaf licorice root
- found at higher altitudes in moister, forest areas
- compound umbel with white flowers in comparatively widely spaced umbellets
- large, very finely divided leaves; leaflets long and thin - "fern-like"
Linaria vulgaris / yellow toadflax
- fine, threadlike leaves, plants up to 3 feet tall
- flowers similar to snapdragon, pale yellow with orange lower lip, long spur
- flowers in tight terminal clusters
- plants typically in patches
- "noxious" weed in Idaho
Lupinus spp. / silvery and silky lupins
- palmately compound, usually silvery-green leaves
- 5-9 leaflets per leaf; long petioles
- flowers on long, spikey racemes, blooming from bottom upward
- numerous flowers, but all rather teeny; most purple or blue
- flowers are above the leaves
- seeds in short, hairy pods
Showing 61–72 of 128 results