all the time
Showing 13–20 of 20 results
Polemonium occidentale / western Jacob’s ladder
- brilliantly blue flowers with bright yellow anthers, in clusters
- pinnately compound leaves with up to 27 narrow, lance-shaped leaflets
- most leaves on separate stems from the flowers
- usually in wetlands
Polygonum aviculare / prostrate knotweed
- long, prostrate stems around a central point
- copious red-edged white flowers
- small green leaves
- along roadsides, parking lots and wherever trampling occurs
- an ugly weed you'll see on most of your walks around town
Spyrogira spp./ green slime
- unbranched, filamentous green alga
- usually as slimy patches or long "tresses"
- anchors to pondweed by entanglement
- prefers the more nutrient rich waters drained from pastures
Stuckenia pectinata / sago pondweed
- submerged aquatic - dominant in its habitat
- grass-like (but not a grass); waves in the current
- branched with ~5" pointed leaves
Taraxacum officinale / dandelion
- rosette growth habit with lobed leaves
- yellow dandelion-like flowers - composites with only ray florets
- only one flower head per stem
- characteristic puff-ball seedheads
- found anywhere and anytime
Trifolium longipes / long-stalked clover
- a (mostly) 3-leaf clover, leaves evenly colored
- leaves long and narrow (not rounded), toothed (small) margins
- leaves on long petioles
- flower heads on long peduncles,
Trifolium repens / white clover
- the quintessential 3-leaf clover
- white flower heads, tinged with pink (perhaps)
- found in full sun with little other specific requirements
- four leaflet leaves bring good luck
Veronica anagallis-aquatica / blue water speedwell
- small blue to mauve or lavender flowers; 4 petals
- many flowers per stalk, but only a few blooming at once
- opposite leaves tightly clasping the stems
- in standing water or slowly moving streams
Showing 13–20 of 20 results