Plants in the Valley
Showing 37–48 of 335 results
Balsamorhiza macrophylla / cutleaf balsamroot
- large, yellow, sunflower-like blossom
- large, dissected/lobed/compound-looking leaves
- up to 40" tall
- roadsides or hillsides with arrowleaf balsamroot and Wyethia
Balsamorhiza sagittata / arrowleaf balsamroot
- large, bright yellow, sunflower-like blossoms in early spring
- very large, more or less triangular basal leaves
- leaves appear silvery, or grey-green due to leaf hairs
- on open, fairly dry hillsides and ridges, often with sagebrush
Barbarea vulgaris / yellow rocket
- showy yellow brassica with relatively large flowers
- leaves deeply lobed with larger terminal lobe, smaller toward top of stems
- common on roadsides and waste places in spring
- siliques about an inch long and curving upward, with beaks and pedicels
Bassia scoparia / burningbush
- large, annual herb (forb)
- leaves long-ish and narrow
- inflorescence a highly branched spike with teeny green/yellow flowers
- may form huge, invasive colonies
- whole plant turns red in fall
- a tumbleweed
- especially in disturbed areas and wastelands in the Valley
Beteroa incana / hoary alyssum
- dense clusters of teeny white flowers
- 4 petals, each with a notch
- fruit is a short, fat-ish seed pod (silicle)
- found in pastures and all manner of disturbed habitats
- toxic to horses
Betula pumila / bog birch
- limited to bogs/fens/swamps and wetlands
- shrub to about 6 feet tall
- reddish bark on twigs
- leaves rounded-fan shaped, ca. 1 inch; coarsely toothed
- inflorescences - catkins (cone-like); separate male and female
Bistorta bistortoides / American bistort
- rocky areas, tundra/alpine
- inflorescence a 2" dense cylinder with many teeny white flowers
- notable protruding stamens
- leaves basal, long/thin and leathery
Blitum nuttallianum / Nuttall’s povertyweed
- ugly little creeping plant from a central stem
- arrow-shaped leaves with two prominent lobes, especially on lower leaves
- teeny clusters of teeny greenish flowers; no petals; in most leaf axils
- widespread, but usually exposed and weed-like
Boechera pauciflora / elegant rockcress
- small, insignificant brassica on rocky soils, with sagebrush
- rosette of small, hairy, spatulate leaves
- single flowering stalk, 6" or more tall, covered with clasping, hairy leaves
- flowers 4-petals, purple (usually) flowers with yellow centers
- may be seen after snowmelt parasitized with yellow pseudoflowers
Boechera retrofracta / reflexed rockcress
- spring blooming crucifer (brassica)
- white or lavender, pendent, bell-shaped flowers
- many flowers on a single stalk (raceme)
- hairy rosette and stem leaves
- usually in rocky, sagebrush communities
Bromus inermis / smooth brome
- clump forming grass but clonally spreading
- erect, leafy
- in winter, leaves curl up (like ribbon)
- florescence is a nodding panicle, standing well above leaves
- spikelets bronze/purple at maturity; anthers yellow
Bromus tectorum / cheatgrass
- short bunchgrass, 2 to 30 in at floweirng
- panicle with all florets to one side; long awns
- early season growth, flowering, seed drop
- florets green, turning purple as seeds mature
- highly invasive!
Showing 37–48 of 335 results