Plants in the Valley
Showing 13–24 of 327 results
Allium schoenoprasum / chives
- globe-shaped umbels of pink flowers with darker midveins (stripes)
- hollow, tubular leaves and flower stalks
- smells like onions
- grows from bulbs in clumps or sometimes individually
- wild in wetlands, fens, meadows; cultivated in gardens
Alyssum desertorum / desert madwort
- short crucifer with teeny leaves, no basal rosettes
- short inflorescence with numerous teeny yellow flowers... short-lived
- seed capsules mature by mid-July, ca. 40/stalk
- disturbed sites of any kind
- often in dense populations
Amaranthus retroflexus / pigweed
- green bottle-brush inflorescence
- accomplished weed on disturbed sites (including road & driveway cracks)
- often in gardens, farm fields (edges), roadsides
Amelanchier alnifolia / serviceberry
- erect shrub (3-18 ft), common in the Valley
- usually several trunks
- compact, fragrant white flower clusters
- star-like flowers
- smallish, light-green, oval leaves
- small, edible blue "berries" by July
- red/orange fall leaf color
Anemone multifida / cutleaf windflower
- usually 5 bi-colored "petals" - esp. pink or white; many stamens
- leaves deeply cut and re-cut in 3s with rounded or pointed tips
- stems and lower leaf surfaces usually hairy
- gone to seed, fruits have a troll-doll look
- on calcareous ledges, in shallow crevices or rocky outcrops; dry mountain tops or near water
Angelica arguta / Lyall’s angelica
- white to yellow to pink-ish
- compound umbel with teeny individual flowers
- many-toothed compound leaves with sheath surrounding petiole
- leaflets egg-shaped to narrowly oval
- pungent parsley/celery/anise scent when leaves crushed
Antennaria spp. / pussytoes
- small clusters of white flowers, often fringed with red
- flowers look like a cat's toes, sort of
- newest leaves silvery/hairy
- exposed, in many different habitats
Anticlea elegans / mountain death camas
- cream to greenish-white flowers; overall hexagonal appearance
- branched flowering stem with multiple flowers not tightly packed
- 6 tepals (petals + sepals), greenish-yellow nectar glands
- grass/lily-like leaves
- blooms in summer (July/August)
Apocynum androsaemifolium / spreading dogbane
short and spreading perennial
oval leaves with pointed tips, prominent veins
clusters of teeny, pink, bell-shaped flowers with recurved petals
conspicuous darker pink stripes on inner surface of corolla
- exudes milky sap when stems or leaves are broken
Apocynum cannabinum / common dogbane
- herbaceous perennial with red stems and long/narrow leaves
- leaves have prominent veins
- leaves and stems exude white latex if broken
- white, bell-shaped flowers held erect in stalked clusters
- seedpods long, thin and brownish; in pairs
- often near streams or in moist places
Aquilegia coerulea / Colorado blue columbine
- blue to white to pink or yellow tinged
- long spurs (tails) as long as the petals are large
- blooms late spring and July (stragglers in August)
Arctium minus / lesser burdock
- purple to pink to lavender thistle-like flowers with hooked bracts
- nasty hooked seed heads
- very large, heart-shaped leaves
- found in a wide variety of disturbed areas
Showing 13–24 of 327 results