Plants in the Valley
Showing 313–324 of 335 results
Triteleia grandiflora / wild hyacinth
- terminal cluster of several, blue (to white) funnel-shaped flowers
- 6 tepals, 3 of which look wrinkled; deep blue lines on each tepal
- only 2-3 very long thin basal leaves
- onion-like but not smelly
- mostly in grasslands - late June, early July
Turritis glabra / tower mustard
- long (3"-ish) stick-like seedpods, erect and hugging the stem
- nondescript mustard-family 4 petalled flowers in a cluster at the top
- tall stem with leaves clasping the stem (no petioles)
- generally in exposed, dry habitats
Typha latifolia / cattail
- tall, grass-like with thick, long, flat leaves
- in wet areas, especially streams and stream banks
- inflorescence club-like spike; yellow (male) above, green (female) below
- seed head dark brown club, with bare spike above
- fruits (seeds) white & fluffy, released in late summer, autumn, winter
Urtica dioica / stinging nettle
- near streams and moist bogs, in woodland understories, disturbed places, wastelands
- leaves - strongly serrated margin, a heart-shaped base, a pointed tip
- flower - greenish or brownish in dense dangling clusters
- nasty hairs that sting you
Utricularia macrorhiza / common bladderwort
- free-floating aquatic perennial; only the flowers are above water
- yellow, snap-dragon-like flowers; up to 20 per stalk; ca. 1" across
- very fine "leaves" underwater, supported by small (1/8") bladders
- carnivorous and/or symbiotic - bladders capture/digest v. small animals, harbor symbionts
Vaccinium membranaceum / thinleaf huckleberry
- understory shrub, locally dominant
- oval, alternate leaves
- very small white/pink urn-shaped flowers
- flowers in axils on red/yellow new growth
- fruit - a bluish/purple to black, ¼" berry
Vaccinium scoparium / grouse whortleberry
- low growing deciduous shrub
- clonally spreading
- green twigs and small (3/4 inch), oval, light green leaves
- teeny, pendant, urn-shaped white/pink flowers
- red berries in fall
Valeriana dioica / wood valerian
- perennial herb, up to 18"
- stem leaves lobed with egg-shaped "leaflets"
- inflorescence - compact, round-topped umbel-like cluster; white flowers
- flowers are teeny! ca. 1/8" with protruding stamens
- mostly in dry to moist forests
Valeriana edulis / hairy valerian
- long-lived, herbaceous, dioecious perennial - limited to marshes and fens
- grass-like basal leaves; pin-like lobed, stem leaves
- teeny male flowers, white with five fused petals
- sub-millimeter female flowers
- male and female flowers usually on different plants
- overall plant stands out above wetland grasses, rushes etc.
Valeriana sitchensis / Sitka valerian
- rhizomatous perennial - possibly in large colonies
- sizable head of small white flowers; 5 petals
- stamens extend beyond petals
- leaves opposite, deeply lobed (almost compound)
Veratrum californicum / California false hellebore
- huge inflorescence covered with one-inch-plus flowers
- six white tepals with green centers
- moist areas, possibly very dense stands
- foot-long, heavily veined, pleated bright green leaves
Verbascum thapsus / mullein
- rosette of large, soft, hairy leaves
- small yellow flowers densely packed on a very tall spike
- persistent ugly brown spike after flowering is done
- often on otherwise bare ground
Showing 313–324 of 335 results