Plants in the Valley
Showing 277–288 of 327 results
Senecio triangularis / arrowleaf ragwort
- leafy stems with arrow-shaped, coarse-toothed leaves
- often in large patches on moist soil
- clusters of yellow flower heads, each with 8-ish untidy ray florets
- numerous green involucral bracts, sometimes with black tips
- largest leaves occur mid-stem
Shepherdia canadensis / Canadian buffaloberry
- deciduous shrub, opposite branches and leaves; understory
- trichomes (hairs) on lower, often upper surfaces.
- lower surface has rust-colored scales
- teeny yellowish flowers before leaves appear; male and female on separate plants
- red or orange, oval fruits with one stony seed; soapy when crushed
Silene latifolia / white campion
- white, 5-petaled flowers with distinctive inflated calyx (bladder)
- flowers in clusters atop stems
- whole plant densely hairy
- widespread on alkaline soils (e.g. the Valley)
Sisymbrium altissimum / tumble mustard
- inflorescence a raceme with yellow, teeny flowers
- long, thin seed pods (siliques)
- blooms throughout the spring and summer
- shoots look like a bunch of sticks glued together
- dries and breaks off, then tumbles
Sisyrinchium idahoense / Idaho blue-eyed grass
- six blue, notched "petals" with yellow center
- single flower; naked stem
- narrow, grass-like, basal leaves
- fens and wet meadows
Solanum physalifolium / ground cherry nightshade
- flowers look like potato or tomato flowers
- small white, 5 recurved petals
- clump of yellow stamens protrude from flower
- triangular leaves with wedge-shaped bases
- usually sprawling on ground
Solidago canadensis / goldenrod
- large sprays of yellow flowers in late summer and fall
- often tall and in large colonies
- lance-shaped, toothed leaves
- mostly (but not always) in disturbed areas
Solidago missouriensis / Missouri goldenrod
- perennial herb, up to 40" tall
- inflorescence is a branching panicle with many (≥200) yellow flower heads
- involucres are ¼ long with 3 or 4 layers of narrow, pointed, hairless, yellow-green bracts
- leaves are thin and lanceolate, upright and rigid with prominent midribs
- upper leaves have pronounced but small teeth
Solidago multiradiata / alpine goldenrod
- the only (?) goldenrod at alpine altitudes
- clusters of 5-100 small, yellow composite flowers with a dozen-ish rays and 3 doz disc florets
- medium green lance/spoon shaped leaves, bigger at base of the plants; toothed/hairy edges
Sonchus arvensis / field sowthistle
- yellow dandelion-like
- multiple flowers per stalk
- often in patches in wet fields
- leaves spiney but without lobes, clasping the stems
- often several stems from a single point at the soil level
Sorbus scopulina / western mountain ash
- moderate sized shrub with pinnately compound leaves
- 9-13 leaflets per leaf (usually)
- teeny white flowers in large rounded clusters
- yellow berries in August become bright red in September
- rocky hillsides, creek sides, open woods
Spiraea betulifolia / white spiraea
- short (1-3 feet), dominant shrub in forest understory
- rounded leaves with toothed outer margins
- teeny flowers in flat-topped clusters up to 5" across
- flowers are white with 5 petals and many stamens
Showing 277–288 of 327 results