Plants in the Valley
Showing 205–216 of 335 results
Orthilia secunda / sidebell wintergreen
- evergreen herb or sub-shrub
- boggy understory and forest stream banks
- basal, egg-shaped leaves with prominent veins
- very small to teeny creamy or green-ish flowers all on one side of stem
Osmorhiza spp / sweet cicely
- broad compound, bluntly toothed, fern-like leaves 3 times compoundly divided
- compound umbels of tiny white flowers; May-June
- short, understory herb
Oxybasis glauca / oak-leaved goosefoot
- typically prostrate and small, apart from other plants
- mudflats and other drying wet areas
- small, blue-green, small-lobed leaves; often w/ reddish stems
- teeny clusters of teeny yellow flowers
- leaves feel cool and damp due to glandular hairs on lower surface
Oxytropis sericea / white-point vetch
- white "pea" flowers in clusters of up to 25
- banner petal white with purple/blue veins
- hairy, pinnately compound leaves, all basal
- disturbed areas, especially exposed to cold, drought, high light etc.
- pretty, but toxic to grazing animals
Ozomelis stauropetala / side-flowered mitrewort
- teeny, white, star-like flowers spaced out on one side of a leafless stem
- basal leaves, slightly lobed
- understory in moist woods
Packera cana / woolly groundsel
- yellow, daisy-like blossoms with 8-13 ray florets ("petals")
- golden, central disks
- blossoms in flat-topped clusters of up to 15
- mostly basal leaves - unlobed, hairy, ovate, up to 2 inches long
- overall silvery appearance
Packera multilobata / lobeleaf groundsel
- deeply lobed leaves, mostly at the base of the plant
- bright yellow daisy-like flowers, 10-30 in a cluster per plant
- orange-yellow disk florets
- woodlands, foothills, and generally dry/ sandy/ rocky places.
Packera pseudaurea / falsegold groundsel
- yellow, flat-topped cluster of daisy-like flowers
- oval, erect basal leaves with long petioles and round/blunt-toothed edges
- generally in moist to wet habitats
Packera streptanthifolia / Rocky Mountain groundsel
- yellow-flowered composite; "flowers" on branched inflorescence
- 8-13 half-inch ray florets, usually spaced apart
- thick, spatula-shaped basal leaves without teeth or clefts
- thin, often deeply lobed stem leaves
- dry woodlands and rocky places
Parnassia fimbriata / fringed grass of Parnassus
- ca. 1" flower with obviously fringed, white petals
- flowers look very "complicated"
- thick, rounded basal leaves
- usually in wet places, but also alpine on rocks
Paxistima myrsinites / Oregon boxwood
- low shrub
- small, opposite leaves; lightly toothed, leathery, oval
- very early spring flowering
- teeny flowers with 4 red petals, 4 yellow stamens; in clusters
- usually on open, dry, sunny sites or open forests
Pedicularis bracteosa / towering lousewort
- dense, narrow inflorescence on upper half of stem
- yellow, beak-like flowers with upper and lower lips
- flowers from bottom to top
- conspicuous, fern-like leaves
- old flowers become light brown but remain on stalk
Showing 205–216 of 335 results