white latex
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Agoseris glauca / yellow false dandelion
- yellow, dandelion-like flower - same size and color
- long-ish, thin leaves growing at ground level (a rosette); no lobes or pointy bits
- blooms in spring and summer
- shade intolerant but on sites ranging from moderately dry to wet
Apocynum androsaemifolium / spreading dogbane
short and spreading perennial
oval leaves with pointed tips, prominent veins
clusters of teeny, pink, bell-shaped flowers with recurved petals
conspicuous darker pink stripes on inner surface of corolla
- exudes milky sap when stems or leaves are broken
Apocynum cannabinum / common dogbane
- herbaceous perennial with red stems and long/narrow leaves
- leaves have prominent veins
- leaves and stems exude white latex if broken
- white, bell-shaped flowers held erect in stalked clusters
- seedpods long, thin and brownish; in pairs
- often near streams or in moist places
Campanula rotundifolia / American harebell
- blue or blue-ish bell-shaped flower
- fused petals with pointy ends make the bell
- exudes white latex when wounded
Ericameria nauseosa / rubber rabbitbrush
- golden-yellow flower heads in profusion
- small 5-petaled flowers
- widespread shrub
- very narrow, linear leaves
- white sticky sap ("rubber")
Hieracium albiflorum / white hawkweed
- white, dandelion-like flower; up to 50 per plant
- 6-25 florets
- square-end petals each with 4 small notches
- hairy stems and basal leaves
- shady openings in dry forests
Hieracium aurantiaca / orange hawkweed
- orange dandelion-like flower
- petals square ended with small notches
- hairy leaves, stems and involucres
- found in many habitats, sometimes in excess
Lactuca serriola / prickly lettuce
- numerous dime-sized yellow flowers in an "airy" panicle
- buds droop or hang in a "shepherd's hook" before opening
- seed heads are dandelion-like, but more delicate
- highly divided, prickly leaves
- mostly in "waste" areas
Sonchus arvensis / field sowthistle
- yellow dandelion-like
- multiple flowers per stalk
- often in patches in wet fields
- leaves spiney but without lobes, clasping the stems
- often several stems from a single point at the soil level
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