wet meadows
Showing 13–24 of 52 results
Cirsium scariosum / elk thistle
- usually tall, quite prickly thistle with deeply lobed, spiny leaves
- large, lavender (pink to purple) flowers hidden by the long leaves
- covered with white hairs giving it a silvery look overall
- in moist areas, in full sun
Dodecatheon pulchellum / shooting star
- five pink to lavender lobes projecting backwards
- white or yellow petal bases above a squiggly purple ring
- anthers joined into a projecting point; stigma projecting past the point
- snowmelt to early spring
- wet meadows to sagebrush communities
Equisetum arvense / field horsetail
- segmented brown stems with spore-bearing "cone" at the tip
- or - segmented green stem with thin green branches radiating from nodes
- distinctly visible nodes along the stems
- no leaves or flowers
- found in many different habitats
Equisetum hyemale / rough horsetail
- thin green stems with black bands; no branches
- possible cone-like structure at the apex
- usually in large colonies
- prefers continuously moist soils
Eriophorum angustifolium / narrow-leaved cottongrass
- limited to bogs/fens with standing water
- "just a pointy-leaved plant" until the fruit develops
- fruits are big white, cotton-like tufts
Erythranthe guttata / seep monkeyflower
- yellow flowers with red spots in clumps of 5 or more
- flowers large for the plant, but otherwise "normal" size
- two "lips" - lower lip larger than upper, each with 2 petals
- found in wetlands of all kinds
Galium borealis / northern bedstraw
- teeny 4-petaled white flowers in small to large clusters
- two pairs of opposite leaves in a whorl around the stem
- linear leaves - like rosemary
- smooth stems... not hairy or sticky like other bedstraws
Gentian affinis / pleated gentian
- brilliantly blue, funnel-shaped flowers
- petals (lobes) pointed, joined by ragged plaits
- flowers in clumps or singly at tops of stems
- leaves lanceolate and opposite on square stems.
- found in a variety of wet sites
Gentiana calycosa / explorer’s gentian
- opposite, sessile leaves on unbranched stems; clonal
- deep blue funnel-shaped flowers with white throats and yellow spots
- 5 pointed petals with fringed pleats between them
- in wetter areas at higher elevations
Geum macrophyllum / largeleaf avens
- yellow, 5-petaled flowers; not glossy
- many long styles in green center
- fruits look like little marbles covered with red velcro
- fruits and flowers present at the same time
- deeply divided, sessile leaves on flowering stems
Hackelia floribunda / many-flowered stickseed
Helenium autumnale / common sneezeweed
- 2" flower head with nearly spherical central disk; numerous yellow rays
- found in moist areas in full or partial sun
- sessile or clasping lance shaped leaves on an angled and winged stem
Showing 13–24 of 52 results