Showing 1–12 of 34 results
Acer glabrum / Rocky Mountain maple
- understory shrub, small tree, multiple stems
- opposite leaves; red twigs
- maple-like leaves
- teeny flowers; double-helicopter fruits
Actaea rubra / red baneberry
- large, coarsely toothed, deeply lobed compound leaves
- clusters of teeny white flowers that look feathery or fluffy (due to stamens)
- green berries in late summer, maturing to red or white
- black dot at tip of each berry
- moist understory or shade
Aquilegia coerulea / Colorado blue columbine
- blue to white to pink or yellow tinged
- long spurs (tails) as long as the petals are large
- blooms late spring and July (stragglers in August)
Arnica cordifolia / heartleaf arnica
- yellow, daisy-like flowers; 1-2 per shoot
- opposite, heart shaped leaves; long petioles; 2-4 pair per stem
- large clonal colonies with many flowering and non-flowering shoots
- the dominant ground cover in moderate shade in many forests
Chimaphila umbellata / pipsissewa
- small herb/forb
- shiny, toothed lance point leaves
- half-inch, pink and white, upside down flowers
- flowers in umbel like cluster
- flowers with minimally visible style
Clematis occidentalis / purple clematis
- grows as a vine with hairy stems - on ground, over logs or up trees
- leaves are trifoliate
- flowers have 4 "petals" and hang down (nodding)
- thick central core of stamens and pistils
Corallorhiza maculata / spotted coralroot
- short, brown/red leafless flowering stalk, often in clumps
- intricate all brown/red-ish flowers except for a white lower lip, with reddish spots
- in conifer or aspen forest understory
Corallorhiza striata / striped coralroot
- short and purple - no green bits
- forest understory
- up to 35 flowers per stalk; often many stalks together
- flowers have 5 pointy, purple striped "petals" and one darker lower lip petal
Corallorhiza wisteriana / spring coralroot
- small, easily missed in the forest duff
- no leaves, no green parts
- flowers have white lips, possible spots, no eared tabs
- scape (flowering stalk) purple, or yellow, or brown
- may stay dormant for years at a time
Crataegus douglasii / black hawthorn
- slightly thorny shrub or small tree, to 30 feet
- often forms thickets
- broad leaves with toothed edges, clumped at ends of branches
- clumps of white, globe-shaped flowers in spring; prominent black anthers
- clumps of black "berries" in autumn
Doellingeria engelmannii / Engelmann’s aster
- shade tolerant - in mountain woods and meadows
- late summer/autumn blooming
- each blossom/flower has only a few curly rays around a yellow disk
- ray florets mostly white, but possibly pink or blue
- ovate leaves, mostly hairless and sessile; prominent veins.
Erysimum asperum / prairie-rocket wallflower
- yellow flowers, large for a crucifer
- flowers in clusters above foliage
- oval/elliptical leaves, to 4" long... hairy
- long thin fruit pod (silique) perpendicular to stem, may curve upward
Showing 1–12 of 34 results