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Ceanothus velutinus / snowbrush
- waist-high, exposed evergreen shrub
- aromatic in hot weather or when leaves are crushed
- shiny (sticky) green leaves, ca. 3"; 3 prominent veins
- 4" clusters of teeny white/cream flowers
- in disturbed areas, particularly burned areas
Drymocallis glandulosa / sticky cinquefoil
- deeply lobed (almost compound) leaves (3-5 lobes)
- clusters of cream or white 5-petaled flowers
- pointy green sepals visible between non-overlapping petals
- ≥25 stamens
- sticky stems, involucres and buds (glandular hairs)
Geranium viscossisimum / sticky geranium
- mauve to pink to red to white flowers
- sticky stems
- bee and butterfly pollination
- exploding seed capsules
Madia glomerata / mountain tarweed
- stems, leaves, flowers - strongly aromatic, like tar
- sticky glandular hairs cover foliage and floral bracts
- flowers in clusters with 1 to 3 yellow ray florets
- disk florets retain visible petals; black stamens
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