
Showing all 3 results

  • Boechera pauciflora / elegant rockcress

    • small, insignificant brassica on rocky soils, with sagebrush
    • rosette of small, hairy, spatulate leaves
    • single flowering stalk, 6" or more tall, covered with clasping, hairy leaves
    • flowers 4-petals, purple (usually) flowers with yellow centers
    • may be seen after snowmelt parasitized with yellow pseudoflowers
  • Claytonia lanceolata / lanceleaf spring beauty

    • small, very early spring, ephemeral
    • 5 white or pink-ish petals with pink/purple stripes
    • pair of opposite leaves at mid-stem; lanceolate
  • Orogenia linearifolia / Indian potato

    • spring ephemeral, found only at snowmelt
    • very small plant, teeny flowers and teeny umbels
    • white flowers with purple dots (stamens)
    • grass-like leaves

Showing all 3 results