
Showing 37–48 of 53 results

  • Lithophragma parviflorum / smallflower woodland star

    • small, white (or mauve) flowers with 5 highly disected petals
    • up to 14 flowers per stalk, usually much less
    • deeply lobed, glandularly pubescent leaves at stem bases
    • spring bloomer in a wide variety of habitats
  • Lupinus spp. / silvery and silky lupins

    • palmately compound, usually silvery-green leaves
    • 5-9 leaflets per leaf; long petioles
    • flowers on long, spikey racemes, blooming from bottom upward
    • numerous flowers, but all rather teeny; most purple or blue
    • flowers are above the leaves
    • seeds in short, hairy pods
  • Micranthes odontoloma / brook saxifrage

    • streamsides (or in the streams) especially at higher elevations
    • white petals with beautiful red center
    • yellow/green spots on the petals
    • multiple drooping flowers on foot-long, leafless stems
  • Oenothera villosa / hairy evening primrose

    • yellow flowers on tall stalks, several flowers in a cluster
    • 4 petals; 8 stamens; large, 4 part stigma
    • hairy - often reddish -  stems; hairy leaves
    • lance-shaped leaves, larger on stem than basal
    • disturbed areas and stream banks
  • Opuntia polyacantha / starvation cactus

    • yellow or peach, complex, many-petaled flowers
    • large globose, pointed buds with reddish scales
    • cactus pads with long or short spines and nasty glochids
  • Pedicularis groenlandica / elephant head

    • flowers range from pink to purple or white
    • flowers each have a long, pointed, upward curving beak like an elephant's trunk and lateral lobes that look like elephant's ears
    • sharply-toothed fernlike leaves
    • wet environments in late June, early July
  • Penstemon cyaneus / blue penstemon

    • two-toned totally tubular flower (blue and pink-ish)
    • early spring to at least mid-summer
    • widespread in low disturbance habitats - even when rocky and "bare"
  • Penstemon eatonii / firecracker penstemon

    • roadsides, especially revegetated by DOT
    • 2" brilliantly red, tubular flowers
    • mostly basal leaves, ovate to lanceolate, leathery
  • Penstemon palmeri / Palmer’s penstemon

    • very tall, exposed
    • pink flowers with rose/grape scent
    • flowers clumped on one side of stem in groups of 4-5
    • red "guidelines" (bloody fangs) on lower petals
    • stem leaves opposite, clasping, like little boats
  • Phlox diffusa / spreading phlox

    • low, spreading, moss-like (before blooming)
    • flowers 5-petaled, a variety of colors, and with a tube below the petals
    • many habitat types incl. mountain slopes, rocky terrain, dry forests or with sagebrush
    • blooms in early spring to early summer
    • confusable with P. hoodii
  • Potentilla fruticosa / shrubby cinquefoil

    • low, deciduous, shrub; wetlands and riparian zones
    • yellow buttercup-like flowers with 5 leaflets, often in clusters
    • blooms from June until frost
    • pinnately compound leaves, typically with 5 leaflets
    • fruit (achene) remains into winter
  • Primula parryi / Parry’s primrose

    • striking, bright magenta (or pink) flowers with yellow centers, 5 petals
    • 3 to 30 flowers per stalk
    • brilliant green foliage as a rosette
    • foliage releases horrible smell with the slightest touch
    • typically at higher altitudes in wet places

Showing 37–48 of 53 results