
Showing 13–24 of 53 results

  • Cirsium vulgare / bull thistle

    • very nasty spines all over, including stems
    • purple flower head over pear/egg-shaped narrow, spiny bracts
    • fruits are thistle-downy
    • disturbed areas, but also forest gaps, stream sides and seeps
  • Clematis hirsutissima / hairy clematis

    • striking, purple, upside-down vase
    • four hairy sepals (not actually petals) fused to make the vase
    • one flower per stem
    • leaves divided into narrow leaflets
    • moist or seasonally moist meadows
  • Convulvulus arvensis / field bindweed

    • prostrate and twining vine with white "morning-glory" flowers
    • may be so dense as to choke out other plants
    • roadsides, agricultural fields, waste areas
    • "noxious" in Idaho
  • Crataegus douglasii / black hawthorn

    • slightly thorny shrub or small tree, to 30 feet
    • often forms thickets
    • broad leaves with toothed edges, clumped at ends of branches
    • clumps of white, globe-shaped flowers in spring; prominent black anthers
    • clumps of black "berries" in autumn
  • Delphinium bicolor / low larkspur

    • short plant with a spike of purple flowers
    • individual flowers have a pronounced spur out the back
    • leaves are few, round, deeply lobed, about the size of a quarter
    • widespread throughout the valley and on the hills
    • appears and blooms soon after snowmelt
  • Delphinium nuttallianum / upland larkspur

    • Bright blue flowers, sometimes whitish or other color petals in center
    • One or several flowers per stalk
    • Long spur "behind" the flower
    • Leaves mostly low on the stem - divided into several or many lobes
    • Open meadows, near streams, with sagebrush, any elevation
    • Beginning soon after snowmelt and sometime persisting into September
  • Dodecatheon pulchellum / shooting star

    • five pink to lavender lobes projecting backwards
    • white or yellow petal bases above a squiggly purple ring
    • anthers joined into a projecting point; stigma projecting past the point
    • snowmelt to early spring
    • wet meadows to sagebrush communities
  • Ericameria nauseosa / rubber rabbitbrush

    • golden-yellow flower heads in profusion
    • small 5-petaled flowers
    • widespread shrub
    • very narrow, linear leaves
    • white sticky sap ("rubber")
  • Erigeron speciosus / aspen fleabane

    • prolific purple-ish flowers with many "petals" and a yellow center
    • forest openings and edges, meadows
    • late blooming - a "fall aster"
  • Erythranthe guttata / seep monkeyflower

    • yellow flowers with red spots in clumps of 5 or more
    • flowers large for the plant, but otherwise "normal" size
    • two "lips" - lower lip larger than upper, each with 2 petals
    • found in wetlands of all kinds
  • Erythranthe lewisii / Lewis’s monkeyflower

    • pink to magenta with floral tube, two lips and yellow nectar guides
    • usually stream-side in dense clumps
    • striking
  • Erythronium grandiflorum / glacier lily

    • striking, yellow, six tepals - recurved and nodding
    • large, yellow or red anthers, a single pistil
    • two large green basal leaves
    • early spring

Showing 13–24 of 53 results