Showing 1–12 of 55 results
Aconitum columbianum / monkshood
- brilliant blue/purple - ish; mixed colors or white
- petal-like sepals form the hood
- palmate, deeply-lobed & toothed leaves
Agoseris aurantiaca / orange mountain dandelion
- unusual burnt-orange color
- basically - looks like an orange dandelion
- linear leaves - unlike the "real" dandelion
Anaphalis margaritacea / pearly everlasting
- hairy leaves and stems, often in dense colonies
- inflorescences dominated by white involucral bracts
- actual flowers are small, yellow and in the center
- commonly on dry soils
- great for dried flower arrangements
Balsamorhiza macrophylla / cutleaf balsamroot
- large, yellow, sunflower-like blossom
- large, dissected/lobed/compound-looking leaves
- up to 40" tall
- roadsides or hillsides with arrowleaf balsamroot and Wyethia
Beteroa incana / hoary alyssum
- dense clusters of teeny white flowers
- 4 petals, each with a notch
- fruit is a short, fat-ish seed pod (silicle)
- found in pastures and all manner of disturbed habitats
- toxic to horses
Calochortus nuttallii / sego lily
- 3 large white petals
- purple spots that border yellow glands
- tangle of hairs (a "beard") at the base of the petals
- but... very variable arrangement of spots, hairs etc.
- rocky, exposed sites
Calypso bulbosa / eastern fairy-slipper
- pink/magenta/mauve/purple orchid
- lighter lower lip highlighted with purple veins; star-like petals and sepals
- pointy bract behind flower
- single oval, wrinkled leaf at ground level
- about 6 inches tall
Camassia quamash / small camas
- immediately visible for its star-shaped blue flowers and yellow anthers
- flowers borne on a spike-like raceme, opening from the bottom up
- multiple flowers open at one time
- leaves are grass-like, growing from a bulb
- large seed capsules with ca. 30 roundish black seeds, ripe in late summer
Castilleja covilleana / Rocky Mountain paintbrush
- clearly, one of the "Indian paintbrushes"
- early bloomer in the spring, even when quite short
- bright red, orange (sometimes yellow) bracts
- bracts and leaves have 3-7 deep lobes with long, soft hairs
- often grows in clusters
Castilleja linariifolia / Wyoming Indian paintbrush
- generally taller than most paintbrushes (up to 3 feet)
- very thin leaves, seldom lobed, seldom hairy
- red inflorescence bracts, may be lobed
- flowers extend well beyond bracts
- calyx is red and shorter than the corolla which is greenish yellow
- rocky areas with sagebrush and conifer forests
Castilleja miniata / scarlet paintbrush
- bright red, or orange or sometimes yellow bracts that are mistaken for flowers
- looks like a red feather duster, but only a few inches long
- generally low, and along streams or roadsides on hills where there is moisture
- leaves ovoid with prominent veins, no petioles
Castilleja spp. / paintbrushes
- vibrant, red (or yellow) inflorescence (bracts)
- widespread, but confusing... five or more species in the area
Showing 1–12 of 55 results