Showing 61–70 of 70 results
Salix glauca / grayleaf willow
- very low-growing shrub at high altitude (alpine/subalpine)
- rounded to lance-shaped leaves; smooth below
- large-ish catkin inflorescences
Sedum lanceolatum / lanceleaf stonecrop
- bright yellow, star-shaped flowers (possible red tinge)
- fleshy/succulent, small leaves (green, yellow or red)
- open rocky outcrops, gravelly sites
- drought tolerant
Stenotus acaulis / stemless goldenweed
- very short, mat forming perennial yellow "daisy"
- thin, lance-shaped leaves, pointing upward
- yellow flower head with 6-15 ray florets, up to 50 disk florets
- in dry, rocky, open-scrub habitats
Toxicoscordion venenosum / meadow death camas
- cream to greenish-white flowers - somewhat triangular overall
- branched flowering stem with multiple flowers in a compact pyramidal head
- 6 tepals (petals + sepals), greenish-yellow nectar glands
- grass/lily-like leaves
- blooms early in the season
Turritis glabra / tower mustard
- long (3"-ish) stick-like seedpods, erect and hugging the stem
- nondescript mustard-family 4 petalled flowers in a cluster at the top
- tall stem with leaves clasping the stem (no petioles)
- generally in exposed, dry habitats
Vaccinium membranaceum / thinleaf huckleberry
- understory shrub, locally dominant
- oval, alternate leaves
- very small white/pink urn-shaped flowers
- flowers in axils on red/yellow new growth
- fruit - a bluish/purple to black, ¼" berry
Viola canadensis / white violet
- heart-shaped (like Valentines) leaves, 3-ish inches long
- sharp leaf tips; rounded teeth
- white flowers (1 inch) with yellow centers, petals purple-tinged on back side
- understory, but may also be exposed
- blooms in early spring
Viola praemorsa / upland yellow violet
- yellow, 5-petals with purple "pencilling" on lower petals
- back sides up upper petals brown-ish
- leaves relatively thick, likely with many short hairs
- on dry, rocky soils, often with sagebrush or steep slopes
- soon after snowmelt; follows the snow up the mountains
Viola vallicola / sagebrush violet
- early, bright yellow violet, usually in sagebrush
- lanceolate leaves with long petioles
- moderate purplish "pencilling" on lower petal; 1-2 lines on side petals
- back sides of petals usually yellow (not brown)
Wyethia amplexicaulis / yellow mules ear
- blooms in late June, July
- large yellow sunflower-like central flower, smaller additional flowers
- long, shiny, not-hairy leaves - like green mule's ears
- strongly aromatic
- may cover acres, almost as a monoculture
- crunchy in the fall
Showing 61–70 of 70 results