Showing 37–48 of 58 results
Oxybasis glauca / oak-leaved goosefoot
- typically prostrate and small, apart from other plants
- mudflats and other drying wet areas
- small, blue-green, small-lobed leaves; often w/ reddish stems
- teeny clusters of teeny yellow flowers
- leaves feel cool and damp due to glandular hairs on lower surface
Phalaris arundinacea / reed canarygrass
- large, coarse, erect grass
- long, flat blades with pointy tips... from base
- distinct ligule—membranous and long
- large but compact inflorescences (panicles)
- often in dense monocultures, e.g. on river banks
Phleum pratense / timothy
- tight, cylindrical flower head
- probably the most recognizable grass in the Valley
- pink stamens with prodigious pollen production in summer
- bulb at base of stem; brown leaf sheath bases
Plantago major / broadleaf plantain
Poa bulbosa / bulbous meadow-grass
- short, tuft-forming grass
- funny-looking flower stalks... having bulblets instead of florets
- doesn't produce pollen or seeds
Polygonum aviculare / prostrate knotweed
- long, prostrate stems around a central point
- copious red-edged white flowers
- small green leaves
- along roadsides, parking lots and wherever trampling occurs
- an ugly weed you'll see on most of your walks around town
Rhamphospermum arvense / Charlock
- yellow-flowered brassica; flowers larger than most mustards
- large-ish leaves with toothed margins
- erect stems; look for a reddish purple ring at stem junctions
- disturbed areas, road sides and waste places; prefers high nutrients
- 1" siliques point out or up, but not down
Rumex acetosella / sheep sorrel
- long, vertical inflorescences... not compact or well "organized"
- female plants with red/maroon flowers; males with green/white flowers
- especially visible when seeds are ripe... red
- basal rosette of arrowhead shaped leaves
- disturbed areas, wastelands, poor sites
Rumex crispus / curly dock
- rather large, lance-shaped leaves
- curly leaf margins, like crisped bacon or "crinkly-wavy"
- tall flowering stalks with many, many small yellow/green-ish flowers
- fruits are just like the flowers but deep red
- widespread and very much a weed
Silene latifolia / white campion
- white, 5-petaled flowers with distinctive inflated calyx (bladder)
- flowers in clusters atop stems
- whole plant densely hairy
- widespread on alkaline soils (e.g. the Valley)
Sisymbrium altissimum / tumble mustard
- inflorescence a raceme with yellow, teeny flowers
- long, thin seed pods (siliques)
- blooms throughout the spring and summer
- shoots look like a bunch of sticks glued together
- dries and breaks off, then tumbles
Solanum physalifolium / ground cherry nightshade
- flowers look like potato or tomato flowers
- small white, 5 recurved petals
- clump of yellow stamens protrude from flower
- triangular leaves with wedge-shaped bases
- usually sprawling on ground
Showing 37–48 of 58 results