Showing 265–270 of 270 results
Viola canadensis / white violet
- heart-shaped (like Valentines) leaves, 3-ish inches long
- sharp leaf tips; rounded teeth
- white flowers (1 inch) with yellow centers, petals purple-tinged on back side
- understory, but may also be exposed
- blooms in early spring
Viola praemorsa / upland yellow violet
- yellow, 5-petals with purple "pencilling" on lower petals
- back sides up upper petals brown-ish
- leaves relatively thick, likely with many short hairs
- on dry, rocky soils, often with sagebrush or steep slopes
- soon after snowmelt; follows the snow up the mountains
Viola vallicola / sagebrush violet
- early, bright yellow violet, usually in sagebrush
- lanceolate leaves with long petioles
- moderate purplish "pencilling" on lower petal; 1-2 lines on side petals
- back sides of petals usually yellow (not brown)
Wyethia amplexicaulis / yellow mules ear
- blooms in late June, July
- large yellow sunflower-like central flower, smaller additional flowers
- long, shiny, not-hairy leaves - like green mule's ears
- strongly aromatic
- may cover acres, almost as a monoculture
- crunchy in the fall
Wyethia helianthoides / white mule’s ears
- large, white-rayed flowers - like daisies
- large leaves, reminiscent of mule's ears
- uncommon but in huge profusion when it is found
- in wetlands or wetter meadows and especially in the spring.
Zizia aptera / golden Alexanders
- yellow, compound umbel infloresecence
- basal leaves are heart-shaped
- blooms in early to late spring
Showing 265–270 of 270 results