Showing 253–264 of 282 results
Streptopus amplexifolius / white twisted-stalk
- creeping herb
- oval, clasping leaves; parallel veins; sharp tip
- pronounced stem "kink" at each node gives twisted look
- drooping, cream-colored flowers, 6 recurved tepals, borne singly
- single, elongated red berries in fall
- found in moist undergrowth
Stuckenia pectinata / sago pondweed
- submerged aquatic - dominant in its habitat
- grass-like (but not a grass); waves in the current
- branched with ~5" pointed leaves
Symphiocarpos oreophilus / mountain snowberry
- small pink (or white) bell or funnel shaped flowers, singly or in pairs
- shrub - upright or spreading
- most visible in late summer when the white "berries" ripen
- in the open or in canopy gaps; along the sides Forest Service roads
Taraxia tanacetifolia / tansyleaf evening primrose
- single, sessile, bright yellow, cup shaped flowers; 4 petals
- grows as a rosette, flat to the ground
- leaves are up to 12 inches long; very deeply lobed
- still blooming in mid-October; starts in mid summer
- grows on sandy/gravelly soil, e.g. drying lake beds
Telesonix heucheriformis / false saxifrage
- alpine or subalpine
- on scree, rock faces, cliffs, in cracks
- glandular, slightly lobed leaves (common for the family)
- teeny red or purple-ish flowers in large-ish clusters
- blooms in August at high altitudes
Tetradymia canescens / spineless horsebrush
- shrub - up to 3 feet tall and across; round
- small, yellow composite flowers in clusters of 4 to 8
- dandelion-like seeds often present with flowers
- primary leaves short and linear; long-lived
- secondary leaves in axils of primaries are short-lived
- primary leaves are not spines
Thalictrum occidentale / western meadow-rue
- delicate compound leaves, each segment with 3 lobes
- leaves "look like" columbine
- male and female flowers on separate plants
- all flowers teeny, in clumps, somewhat to really purple
- in moist habitats, esp. stream banks in forests
Toxicoscordion venenosum / meadow death camas
- cream to greenish-white flowers - somewhat triangular overall
- branched flowering stem with multiple flowers in a compact pyramidal head
- 6 tepals (petals + sepals), greenish-yellow nectar glands
- grass/lily-like leaves
- blooms early in the season
Trifolium longipes / long-stalked clover
- a (mostly) 3-leaf clover, leaves evenly colored
- leaves long and narrow (not rounded), toothed (small) margins
- leaves on long petioles
- flower heads on long peduncles,
Triglochin maritima / seaside arrowgrass
- in bogs, fens, and roadsides through them
- "grass-like" leaves - semicircular cross section with a groove down the middle
- tall flowering spikes with many crowded, green/yellow-ish, teeny flowers
- clonal, so often in widely spaced clumps
Triteleia grandiflora / wild hyacinth
- terminal cluster of several, blue (to white) funnel-shaped flowers
- 6 tepals, 3 of which look wrinkled; deep blue lines on each tepal
- only 2-3 very long thin basal leaves
- onion-like but not smelly
- mostly in grasslands - late June, early July
Turritis glabra / tower mustard
- long (3"-ish) stick-like seedpods, erect and hugging the stem
- nondescript mustard-family 4 petalled flowers in a cluster at the top
- tall stem with leaves clasping the stem (no petioles)
- generally in exposed, dry habitats
Showing 253–264 of 282 results