
Showing all 3 results

  • Corallorhiza maculata / spotted coralroot

    • short, brown/red leafless flowering stalk, often in clumps
    • intricate all brown/red-ish flowers except for a white lower lip, with reddish spots
    • in conifer or aspen forest understory
  • Corallorhiza wisteriana / spring coralroot

    • small, easily missed in the forest duff
    • no leaves, no green parts
    • flowers have white lips, possible spots, no eared tabs
    • scape (flowering stalk) purple, or yellow, or brown
    • may stay dormant for years at a time
  • Pterospora andromedea / woodland pinedrops

    • sticky-haired, reddish brown plant; no chlorophyll
    • nodding, yellow and pink flowers like upside-down urns
    • unbranched stem with "invisible" scale-like leaves at base
    • old, woody stalks with pumpkin-shaped capsules persist at least one season
    • in pine or mixed conifer forests

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