Showing all 6 results
Aphyllon franciscanum / yellow-clustered broomrape
- tubular yellow, 5 petalled flowers
- short (6")
- no leaves at all, ever
- very hairy stems and flowers
- parasitic, especially on buckwheats
Hieracium albiflorum / white hawkweed
- white, dandelion-like flower; up to 50 per plant
- 6-25 florets
- square-end petals each with 4 small notches
- hairy stems and basal leaves
- shady openings in dry forests
Hieracium aurantiaca / orange hawkweed
- orange dandelion-like flower
- petals square ended with small notches
- hairy leaves, stems and involucres
- found in many habitats, sometimes in excess
Hieracium scouleri / western hawkweed
- dandelion-like yellow flower heads
- square-ended petals; long stamens with split ends
- central yellow "button"
- hairy all over, especially on leaves and lower stem
- blooms all summer
Vaccinium membranaceum / thinleaf huckleberry
- understory shrub, locally dominant
- oval, alternate leaves
- very small white/pink urn-shaped flowers
- flowers in axils on red/yellow new growth
- fruit - a bluish/purple to black, ¼" berry
Veronica officinalis / heath speedwell
- prostrate, herbaceous perennial
- hairy green stems and leaves (obvious)
- short, erect, spike-like shoots
- ¼" blue/violet flowers
- 4 petals with purple stripes
- gaps and exposed soils
Showing all 6 results