interesting bits
Showing 49–60 of 100 results
Iris missouriensis / western blue flag iris
- wetland monocot - long leaves, parallel veins
- large blue flower with yellow "signal" stripe, purple veins
- 3 petals, 3 sepals make up the flower
- blooms in spring
- "like a domestic iris on a diet"
Juniperus scopulorum / Rocky Mountain juniper
- small, rounded evergreen tree (or shrub)
- fibrous, red to grey, shredded bark
- pollen and seed cones at branch tips on separate plants
- female cones blue berries with a waxy, whitish bloom
- leaves on mature plants scale-like
- leaves on young plants are prickly, needle-like
Lithophragma parviflorum / smallflower woodland star
- small, white (or mauve) flowers with 5 highly disected petals
- up to 14 flowers per stalk, usually much less
- deeply lobed, glandularly pubescent leaves at stem bases
- spring bloomer in a wide variety of habitats
Lomatium dissectum / fernleaf biscuitroot
- blooms soon after snowmelt
- yellow or purple-ish flowers in compound umbels
- highly divided, fern-like leaves
- rocks, rocky soils, sagebrush communities
Mentha canadensis / American cornmint
- crushed leaves smell like peppermint
- clusters of teeny white-blue-pink flowers in the axils of stem leaves
- square stems, lance-shaped leaves
- shaded, moist areas
- may form large clones
Mertensia ciliata / mountain bluebells
- taller than others bluebells - up to four feet
- often forms dense stands by streams and seeps
- flowers dark blue, bell-shaped, held on one side of stem
- leaves blue-green, pointed, with prominent veins, marginal pointy hairs
Noccea fendleri ssp. idahoensis / wild candytuft
- white crucifer, four petals in two parallel rows
- flowers in terminal clusters
- basal rosette leaves with a few on the stalks
- wetter areas
Oenothera villosa / hairy evening primrose
- yellow flowers on tall stalks, several flowers in a cluster
- 4 petals; 8 stamens; large, 4 part stigma
- hairy - often reddish - stems; hairy leaves
- lance-shaped leaves, larger on stem than basal
- disturbed areas and stream banks
Onobrychis viciifolia / sainfoin
- forage legume, taller than alfalfa
- pink pea-like flowers with striped banner petal and darker keel
- spiky inflorescence (a raceme) blooming from bottom up - up to 50 flowers
- pinnately compound leaves with single terminal leaflet
- naturalized with sagebrush and mountain shrubs, but also in the central Valley
Orthilia secunda / sidebell wintergreen
- evergreen herb or sub-shrub
- boggy understory and forest stream banks
- basal, egg-shaped leaves with prominent veins
- very small to teeny creamy or green-ish flowers all on one side of stem
Oxytropis sericea / white-point vetch
- white "pea" flowers in clusters of up to 25
- banner petal white with purple/blue veins
- hairy, pinnately compound leaves, all basal
- disturbed areas, especially exposed to cold, drought, high light etc.
- pretty, but toxic to grazing animals
Ozomelis stauropetala / side-flowered mitrewort
- teeny, white, star-like flowers spaced out on one side of a leafless stem
- basal leaves, slightly lobed
- understory in moist woods
Showing 49–60 of 100 results