interesting bits
Showing 25–36 of 106 results
Cirsium arvense / Canada thistle
- purple or lavender clearly-thistle flower heads
- multiple small flower heads per stem
- deeply lobed, spiny leaves, but stems not spiny
- clonal and perennial
- in clumps or along roads, sometimes quite large/long
Comandra umbellata / bastard toadflax
- teeny, funnel-shaped white-ish flowers in clusters
- small plants, thick-ish, pointy stem leaves; more oval basal leaves
- clonal - may colonize large areas
Corallorhiza wisteriana / spring coralroot
- small, easily missed in the forest duff
- no leaves, no green parts
- flowers have white lips, possible spots, no eared tabs
- scape (flowering stalk) purple, or yellow, or brown
- may stay dormant for years at a time
Corydalis aurea / scrambled eggs
- prostrate herb, up to 15" tall
- moist but well-drained soils, including on roadsides
- yellow tubular flowers, with spurs
- highly dissected leaves, blue-grey except when young
- fruits are pod-like, resembling peas or beans
Crepis acuminata / tapertip hawksbeard
- leaves (diagnostic) - long; many deep triangular, pointed lobes; upright, grey-green; milky sap
- flowers - 5-10 rays, no disc florets; yellow; up to 70 per plant
- dry, open places in foothills; commonly with sagebrush
Dactylis glomerata / orchardgrass
- perennial bunchgrass
- branched inflorescence with lowest branch well below the others
- spikelets wedge-shaped, flattened in tight clusters
- florets green to red/purple tinged; grey-brown when seeds mature
- introduced and widespread, but not in wet areas
Dicentra uniflora / steer’s head
- looks like a very small, peach-colored long-horned steer's skull
- leaves are 3-fold compound; leaflets deeply divided
- leaves and flowers appear to be separate plants
- on rocky, vernally-moist slopes right at snowmelt
- considered hard to find but not rare
Dodecatheon pulchellum / shooting star
- five pink to lavender lobes projecting backwards
- white or yellow petal bases above a squiggly purple ring
- anthers joined into a projecting point; stigma projecting past the point
- snowmelt to early spring
- wet meadows to sagebrush communities
Draba nemorosa / yellow whitlow-grass
- teeny, often silvery plant with teeny yellow 4-petal flowers
- rosette leaves have trichomes even when not really silvery
- annual ephemeral seen soon after snowmelt
- usually exposed near or on rocks, dry slopes
- flat, elliptical seed capsules
Drymocallis arguta / tall cinquefoil
- yellow flowers, 5 petals with pointy green sepals between
- many stamens; central disk of yellow pistils
- flowers in clusters with short stems (cyme)
- most leaves basal - pinnately compound, coarsely toothed, obovate
- many soil types, but not overly moist
Drymocallis glandulosa / sticky cinquefoil
- deeply lobed (almost compound) leaves (3-5 lobes)
- clusters of cream or white 5-petaled flowers
- pointy green sepals visible between non-overlapping petals
- ≥25 stamens
- sticky stems, involucres and buds (glandular hairs)
Elodea canadensis / Elodea
- submerged with a stem and whorls of small, oblong leaves
- usually has 3 leaves per node
- leaf whorls denser near the growing tips
- stems may be quite long or floating as fragmented bits
Showing 25–36 of 106 results