interesting bits
Showing 13–24 of 106 results
Boechera pauciflora / elegant rockcress
- small, insignificant brassica on rocky soils, with sagebrush
- rosette of small, hairy, spatulate leaves
- single flowering stalk, 6" or more tall, covered with clasping, hairy leaves
- flowers 4-petals, purple (usually) flowers with yellow centers
- may be seen after snowmelt parasitized with yellow pseudoflowers
Boechera retrofracta / reflexed rockcress
- spring blooming crucifer (brassica)
- white or lavender, pendent, bell-shaped flowers
- many flowers on a single stalk (raceme)
- hairy rosette and stem leaves
- usually in rocky, sagebrush communities
Bromus tectorum / cheatgrass
- short bunchgrass, 2 to 30 in at floweirng
- panicle with all florets to one side; long awns
- early season growth, flowering, seed drop
- florets green, turning purple as seeds mature
- highly invasive!
Calypso bulbosa / eastern fairy-slipper
- pink/magenta/mauve/purple orchid
- lighter lower lip highlighted with purple veins; star-like petals and sepals
- pointy bract behind flower
- single oval, wrinkled leaf at ground level
- about 6 inches tall
Camassia quamash / small camas
- immediately visible for its star-shaped blue flowers and yellow anthers
- flowers borne on a spike-like raceme, opening from the bottom up
- multiple flowers open at one time
- leaves are grass-like, growing from a bulb
- large seed capsules with ca. 30 roundish black seeds, ripe in late summer
Capsella bursa-pastoris / shepherd’s purse
- small crucifer with terminal clusters of teeny white flowers
- rosette of small, maybe toothed, leaves
- very distinctive, notched, triangular fruits - like shepherd's "purses"
- found pretty much anywhere that has/had bare soil
Cardamine hirsute / hairy bittercress
- small brassica/crucifer with compound leaves
- teeny white, 4 petal flowers with 4 stamens in racemic clumps
- a widespread weed, including gardens and lawns
Castilleja spp. / paintbrushes
- vibrant, red (or yellow) inflorescence (bracts)
- widespread, but confusing... five or more species in the area
Cerastium arvense / field chickweed
- Erect or trailing stems, if you can see them amongst the competition
- Clusters of 1 to many white flowers with 5 deeply cleft petals
- Petals much longer than the green sepals
- Opposite, linear, sessile leaves - not very long
- Cylindrical seed capsules with 10 teeth at top
Cercocarpus ledifolius / curl-leaf mountain mahogany
Chaenactis douglasii / Douglas dusty maiden
- leaves "woolly" or hairy; intricately divided
- leaf and lobe tips curled or twisted
- flowering stems coated with "cobwebby" hairs
- flower heads of white/pinkish tubular disk florets in a glandular cup
- forked styles protrude past tubes
- often in rocky areas and crevices
Chara contraria / Chara
- plant-like rooted aquatic alga
- green "stem" with whorls of green "leaves"
- rough feeling due to carbonate encrustations
- river bottom but other waters, including stock tanks
Showing 13–24 of 106 results