forest openings

Showing 1–12 of 63 results

  • Agoseris glauca / yellow false dandelion

    • yellow, dandelion-like flower - same size and color
    • long-ish, thin leaves growing at ground level (a rosette); no lobes or pointy bits
    • blooms in spring and summer
    • shade intolerant but on sites ranging from moderately dry to wet
  • Allium geyeri / Geyer’s onion

    • smells like onions
    • magenta (occasionally white) flowers on ca. 15 inch stem
    • each flower urn-shaped with flared, pointy tips; yellow anthers
    • leaves persistent during flowering
    • rocky slopes in brush and pines, sometimes in dense stands
  • Amelanchier alnifolia / serviceberry

    • erect shrub (3-18 ft), common in the Valley
    • usually several trunks
    • compact, fragrant white flower clusters
    • star-like flowers
    • smallish, light-green, oval leaves
    • small, edible blue "berries" by July
    • red/orange fall leaf color
  • Apocynum cannabinum / common dogbane

    • herbaceous perennial with red stems and long/narrow leaves
    • leaves have prominent veins
    • leaves and stems exude white latex if broken
    • white, bell-shaped flowers held erect in stalked clusters
    • seedpods long, thin and brownish; in pairs
    • often near streams or in moist places
  • Artemisia cana / silver sagebrush

    • Low perennial, silvery shrub
    • Highly aromatic, like sagebrush
    • Entire leaves - no lobes
    • Nondescript, inconspicuous flowers in small clusters with leaf-like bracts
    • Grows in more moist habitat than other Artemisia spp.
  • Artemisia ludoviciana / white sage

    • low, spreading perennial - up to 3 feet tall
    • silvery leaves and stems (hairy)
    • leaves lance shaped, but sometimes lobed
    • shoots die back in winter
    • aromatic
  • Balsamorhiza macrophylla / cutleaf balsamroot

    • large, yellow, sunflower-like blossom
    • large, dissected/lobed/compound-looking leaves
    • up to 40" tall
    • roadsides or hillsides with arrowleaf balsamroot and Wyethia
  • Chimaphila umbellata / pipsissewa

    • small herb/forb
    • shiny, toothed lance point leaves
    • half-inch, pink and white, upside down flowers
    • flowers in umbel like cluster
    • flowers with minimally visible style
  • Claytonia lanceolata / lanceleaf spring beauty

    • small, very early spring, ephemeral
    • 5 white or pink-ish petals with pink/purple stripes
    • pair of opposite leaves at mid-stem; lanceolate
  • Cornus sericea / red osier dogwood

    • shrub with opposite branching and red bark, brightest in fall/winter
    • common along streams especially
    • small white flowers, 4 petals, in clusters
    • white or blue-ish white berries in fall
    • opposite leaves with parallel veins
  • Corydalis aurea / scrambled eggs

    • prostrate herb, up to 15" tall
    • moist but well-drained soils, including on roadsides
    • yellow tubular flowers, with spurs
    • highly dissected leaves, blue-grey except when young
    • fruits are pod-like, resembling peas or beans
  • Crataegus douglasii / black hawthorn

    • slightly thorny shrub or small tree, to 30 feet
    • often forms thickets
    • broad leaves with toothed edges, clumped at ends of branches
    • clumps of white, globe-shaped flowers in spring; prominent black anthers
    • clumps of black "berries" in autumn

Showing 1–12 of 63 results