fern-like leaves

Showing all 11 results

  • Achillea millefolium / yarrow

    • common - white umbrella-type flower
    • feathery leaves
    • clonal; often found in patches
  • Geum triflorum / prairie smoke

    • among the earliest bloomers in the spring
    • clusters of nodding reddish, pink, maroon or purple flowers
    • flowers in groups of 3
    • distinctive fruit - like silvery-pink or mauve "troll dolls"
    • in large populations, fruiting plants look (sort of)  like smoke
  • Ligusticum filicinum / fern-leaf licorice root

    • found at higher altitudes in moister, forest areas
    • compound umbel with white flowers in comparatively widely spaced umbellets
    • large, very finely divided leaves; leaflets long and thin - "fern-like"
  • Lomatium dissectum / fernleaf biscuitroot

    • blooms soon after snowmelt
    • yellow or purple-ish flowers in compound umbels
    • highly divided, fern-like leaves
    • rocks, rocky soils, sagebrush communities
  • Pedicularis bracteosa / towering lousewort

    • dense, narrow inflorescence on upper half of stem
    • yellow, beak-like flowers with upper and lower lips
    • flowers from bottom to top
    • conspicuous, fern-like leaves
    • old flowers become light brown but remain on stalk
  • Pedicularis contorta / curved-beak lousewort

    • alpine and subalpine habitats
    • fern-like leaves at base
    • tall, spikey inflorescence
    • white flowers with coiled upper beak and flat, 3-lobed lower lip
  • Pedicularis groenlandica / elephant head

    • flowers range from pink to purple or white
    • flowers each have a long, pointed, upward curving beak like an elephant's trunk and lateral lobes that look like elephant's ears
    • sharply-toothed fernlike leaves
    • wet environments in late June, early July
  • Phacelia sericea / silky phacelia

    • deep purple flowers with really long stamens and orange anthers
    • many flowers arranged in a tight coil up to 2 feet long
    • silky, divided (fern-like) leaves
    • exposed, higher altitude, rocky places; often with sagebrush
  • Pteridium aquilinum / common bracken

    • a fern with large, triangular fronds, up to 4 ft tall
    • fronds subdivided into triangular leaflets
    • herbaceous perennial
    • deciduous with annual regrowth first appearing as fiddleheads in spring
    • wide range of habitats, including full sun
  • Tanacetum vulgare / tansy

    • yellow, somewhat flattened, button-like flowers
    • pretty clearly in the aster family
    • camphor-ish smell
    • finely divided, fern-like compound leaves
  • Tripleurospermum inodorum / scentless chamomile

    • daisy-like blossoms with finely divided leaves
    • central disk shape changes from button- to dome- to hemisphere- with age
    • ray petals droop as disk expands
    • leaves don't smell when crushed

Showing all 11 results