
Showing 97–108 of 127 results

  • Potentilla gracilis / slender cinquefoil

    • yellow, 5-petaled flowers with many stamens
    • petals touch or overlap
    • leaves with 5-9 toothed, deeply cut lobes
    • leaves may be hairy, especially below
    • many different exposed habitats
  • Potentilla norvegica / rough cinquefoil

    • 5 yellow petals, not fused
    • 5 sepals longer than petals, esp. after flowering
    • numerous stamens and pistils
    • compound leaves with leaflets grouped in 3s
    • prominent veins; toothed margins
    • hairy stems
    • mostly in disturbed areas, including gardens
  • Primula parryi / Parry’s primrose

    • striking, bright magenta (or pink) flowers with yellow centers, 5 petals
    • 3 to 30 flowers per stalk
    • brilliant green foliage as a rosette
    • foliage releases horrible smell with the slightest touch
    • typically at higher altitudes in wet places
  • Prunella vulgaris / self-heal

    • compact spike of tiny purple, mint-like flowers
    • upper/lower lips purple and white respectively
    • square stems, opposite leaves
  • Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas fir

    • persistent cones with distinctive 3-pronged, "mouse tail", bracts
    • semi-pointy, but not stiff or sharp, single needles
    • needles attached to twigs by petioles (no pegs)
    • oval leaf scars
    • twig buds are pointy, "lustrous" brown
  • Purshia tridentata / antelope bitterbrush

    • small yellow, 5-petal flowers in early spring
    • small shrub, often in large "clumps"
    • leaves look like sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata)
  • Rumex acetosella / sheep sorrel

    • long, vertical inflorescences... not compact or well "organized"
    • female plants with red/maroon flowers; males with green/white flowers
    • especially visible when seeds are ripe... red
    • basal rosette of arrowhead shaped leaves
    • disturbed areas, wastelands, poor sites
  • Sambucus nigra / common elderberry

    • shrub or small tree blooming in late spring
    • leaves opposite
    • pinnately compound with up to 9 leaflets with serrated edges
    • flowers are white, 5-petaled, in flat-topped clusters of clusters
    • "berries" are red or dark blue/black in August; often drooping when mature
  • Scrophularia lanceolate / lanceleaf figwort

    • teeny, snapdragon-like flowers
    • flowers urn-shaped with yellow with red or green on the outside
    • flowers look like they aren't yet opened
    • flowers on elongated panicle at the top of a tall-ish plant
    • opposite leaves like stinging nettle without the stingers
    • up to 5 feet tall in full sun/partial shade
  • Sedum lanceolatum / lanceleaf stonecrop

    • bright yellow, star-shaped flowers (possible red tinge)
    • fleshy/succulent, small leaves (green, yellow or red)
    • open rocky outcrops, gravelly sites
    • drought tolerant
  • Sisymbrium altissimum / tumble mustard

    • inflorescence a raceme with yellow, teeny flowers
    • long, thin seed pods (siliques)
    • blooms throughout the spring and summer
    • shoots look like a bunch of sticks glued together
    • dries and breaks off, then tumbles
  • Solidago canadensis / goldenrod

    • large sprays of yellow flowers in late summer and fall
    • often tall and in large colonies
    • lance-shaped, toothed leaves
    • mostly (but not always) in disturbed areas

Showing 97–108 of 127 results