Showing 49–60 of 127 results
Festuca idahoensis / Idaho fescue
- a bunchgrass growing in very dense clumps
- over-winters green; an early green grass in spring
- green to blue-green to silvery green leaves
- individual flowers in clusters of hairy spikelets on branched panicles; very dark purple or green
- seeds have large spines (awns) at the tips
Frasera speciosa / monument plant
- striking, 4 petal flowers - green and white with purple flecks
- flowers held close in to stem
- tall flowering stalk (to chest high) from a base of large, elongated rosette leaves
Fritillaria pudica / yellow fritillary
- small, lovely, unprepossessing lily
- a few, long, narrow leaves
- a single (or two) yellow, bell-shaped flower
- flowers turn brick red as they age
- blooms just after snowmelt and disappears quickly
Gaillardia aristata / common blanketflower
- bright red petals with yellow tips, or yellow petals the whole way
- reddish brown central disk
- attractive yellow seed balls with tufts of red hair all over
- leathery, slightly hairy leaves
Geranium richardsonii / Richardson’s geranium
- white, or sometimes pink-ish, flowers
- non-sticky stems
- bee and butterfly pollination
- exploding seed capsules
Geranium viscossisimum / sticky geranium
- mauve to pink to red to white flowers
- sticky stems
- bee and butterfly pollination
- exploding seed capsules
Hackelia micrantha / Jessica sticktight
- teeny blue flowers with yellow/white centers
- flowers appear singly or in groups above developing fruit
- inflorescence mostly on one side of the stem
- lower leaves long and narrow; upper leaves fewer and sessile
- fruit a pointy and tenacious nutlet
Hedysarum occidentale / western sweetvetch
- tall legume with hot pink flowers
- inflorescence several inches long; up to 80 flowers
- pinnately compound leaves with 9-21, inch-long leaflets
- higher elevations on drier, more rocky soils
Helenium autumnale / common sneezeweed
- 2" flower head with nearly spherical central disk; numerous yellow rays
- found in moist areas in full or partial sun
- sessile or clasping lance shaped leaves on an angled and winged stem
Helianthus annuus / sunflower
- tall with big, drooping leaves (up to 15x15 inches)
- large sunflower like flowers - yellow petals, darker disk
- disturbed edges and waste areas, roadsides, near crops
Heliomeris multiflora / showy goldeneye
- a "Doggone" Yellow Composite (DYC) with 5-14 ray florets; golden dome of disc florets
- multi-stemmed perennial forms clumps
- often seen in profusion (but not always)
- long, thin, lanceolate to linear leaves; maybe with a few small teeth along the edges
- leaves have a strong midrib vein and distinct side veins
Showing 49–60 of 127 results