
Showing 109–120 of 127 results

  • Solidago missouriensis / Missouri goldenrod

    • perennial herb, up to 40" tall
    • inflorescence is a branching panicle with many (≥200) yellow flower heads
    • involucres are ¼ long with 3 or 4 layers of narrow, pointed, hairless, yellow-green bracts
    • leaves are thin and lanceolate, upright and rigid with prominent midribs
    • upper leaves have pronounced but small teeth
  • Solidago multiradiata / alpine goldenrod

    • the only (?) goldenrod at alpine altitudes
    • clusters of 5-100 small, yellow composite flowers with a dozen-ish rays and 3 doz disc florets
    • medium green lance/spoon shaped leaves, bigger at base of the plants; toothed/hairy edges
  • Sorbus scopulina / western mountain ash

    • moderate sized shrub with pinnately compound leaves
    • 9-13 leaflets per leaf (usually)
    • teeny white flowers in large rounded clusters
    • yellow berries in August become bright red in September
    • rocky hillsides, creek sides, open woods
  • Stenotus acaulis / stemless goldenweed

    • very short, mat forming perennial yellow "daisy"
    • thin, lance-shaped leaves, pointing upward
    • yellow flower head with 6-15 ray florets, up to 50 disk florets
    • in dry, rocky, open-scrub habitats
  • Stuckenia pectinata / sago pondweed

    • submerged aquatic - dominant in its habitat
    • grass-like (but not a grass); waves in the current
    • branched with ~5" pointed leaves
  • Taraxia tanacetifolia / tansyleaf evening primrose

    • single, sessile, bright yellow, cup shaped flowers; 4 petals
    • grows as a rosette, flat to the ground
    • leaves are up to 12 inches long; very deeply lobed
    • still blooming in mid-October; starts in mid summer
    • grows on sandy/gravelly soil, e.g. drying lake beds
  • Telesonix heucheriformis / false saxifrage

    • alpine or subalpine
    • on scree, rock faces, cliffs, in cracks
    • glandular, slightly lobed leaves (common for the family)
    • teeny red or purple-ish flowers in large-ish clusters
    • blooms in August at high altitudes
  • Tetradymia canescens / spineless horsebrush

    • shrub - up to 3 feet tall and across; round
    • small, yellow composite flowers in clusters of 4 to 8
    • dandelion-like seeds often present with flowers
    • primary leaves short and linear; long-lived
    • secondary leaves in axils of primaries are short-lived
    • primary leaves are not spines
  • Thlaspi arvense / field pennycress

    • inflorescence a raceme with white, teeny flowers
    • oval seed pods ca. 1/3" across
    • blooms late spring and summer
    • continues blooming as pods fill from older flowers
    • common weed in disturbed habitats including cultivated land
  • Trifolium repens / white clover

    • the quintessential 3-leaf clover
    • white flower heads, tinged with pink (perhaps)
    • found in full sun with little other specific requirements
    • four leaflet leaves bring good luck
  • Turritis glabra / tower mustard

    • long (3"-ish) stick-like seedpods, erect and hugging the stem
    • nondescript mustard-family 4 petalled flowers in a cluster at the top
    • tall stem with leaves clasping the stem (no petioles)
    • generally in exposed, dry habitats
  • Typha latifolia / cattail

    • tall, grass-like with thick, long, flat leaves
    • in wet areas, especially streams and stream banks
    • inflorescence club-like spike; yellow (male) above, green (female) below
    • seed head dark brown club, with bare spike above
    • fruits (seeds) white & fluffy, released in late summer, autumn, winter

Showing 109–120 of 127 results