Showing 37–48 of 58 results
Prunus virginiana / western chokecherry
- oval leaves with serrated margins and abrupt taper at tip
- reddish twigs with prominent lenticels
- drooping clumps of white flowers w/ yellow centers in spring
- red to black cherries in fall, up to ½ inch diameter
- leaves turn orange or yellow in fall
Pteridium aquilinum / common bracken
- a fern with large, triangular fronds, up to 4 ft tall
- fronds subdivided into triangular leaflets
- herbaceous perennial
- deciduous with annual regrowth first appearing as fiddleheads in spring
- wide range of habitats, including full sun
Ribes aureum / golden current
- shrub up to 10 feet tall
- spring bloomer, golden yellow flower in clusters
- small, maple-like leaves
- 1/2 inch berries in late summer, golden to black
Ribes hudsonianum / northern black currant
- moist wooded areas, streambanks
- erect, spike-like inflorescences with up to 50 white flowers
- bitter berries, ripening to black
- leaves and stems covered with resinous glands
- leaves 3-5 lobed, glandular below
- smells bad
Ribes lacustre / prickly currant
- deeply lobed, maple-like leaves
- prickly stems with spines at nodes
- shrub to ca. 4 feet tall
- teeny cream & purple flowers in dangling clusters in spring
- red berries in late summer maturing to very small black berries
Ribes viscosissimum / sticky currant
- shrub to 7 feet tall
- stem and leaves covered with sticky, glandular hairs
- white, bell-like flowers in drooping or erect clusters (up to 15)
- rough leaves, 3-5 equal lobes, toothed margins
- fragrant flowers and leaves
Rubus parviflorus / thimbleberry
- raspberry-like shrub usually in a clump
- white flowers with many stamens, up to 2.5 inches diameter
- large, fuzzy maple-like leaves
- blooms in spring; red, raspberry-like fruit in the fall
Rumex crispus / curly dock
- rather large, lance-shaped leaves
- curly leaf margins, like crisped bacon or "crinkly-wavy"
- tall flowering stalks with many, many small yellow/green-ish flowers
- fruits are just like the flowers but deep red
- widespread and very much a weed
Sambucus nigra / common elderberry
- shrub or small tree blooming in late spring
- leaves opposite
- pinnately compound with up to 9 leaflets with serrated edges
- flowers are white, 5-petaled, in flat-topped clusters of clusters
- "berries" are red or dark blue/black in August; often drooping when mature
Shepherdia canadensis / Canadian buffaloberry
- deciduous shrub, opposite branches and leaves; understory
- trichomes (hairs) on lower, often upper surfaces.
- lower surface has rust-colored scales
- teeny yellowish flowers before leaves appear; male and female on separate plants
- red or orange, oval fruits with one stony seed; soapy when crushed
Streptopus amplexifolius / white twisted-stalk
- creeping herb
- oval, clasping leaves; parallel veins; sharp tip
- pronounced stem "kink" at each node gives twisted look
- drooping, cream-colored flowers, 6 recurved tepals, borne singly
- single, elongated red berries in fall
- found in moist undergrowth
Taraxacum officinale / dandelion
- rosette growth habit with lobed leaves
- yellow dandelion-like flowers - composites with only ray florets
- only one flower head per stem
- characteristic puff-ball seedheads
- found anywhere and anytime
Showing 37–48 of 58 results