Showing 13–24 of 58 results
Cardamine hirsute / hairy bittercress
- small brassica/crucifer with compound leaves
- teeny white, 4 petal flowers with 4 stamens in racemic clumps
- a widespread weed, including gardens and lawns
Cirsium scariosum / elk thistle
- usually tall, quite prickly thistle with deeply lobed, spiny leaves
- large, lavender (pink to purple) flowers hidden by the long leaves
- covered with white hairs giving it a silvery look overall
- in moist areas, in full sun
Cirsium vulgare / bull thistle
- very nasty spines all over, including stems
- purple flower head over pear/egg-shaped narrow, spiny bracts
- fruits are thistle-downy
- disturbed areas, but also forest gaps, stream sides and seeps
Claytonia lanceolata / lanceleaf spring beauty
- small, very early spring, ephemeral
- 5 white or pink-ish petals with pink/purple stripes
- pair of opposite leaves at mid-stem; lanceolate
Crepis acuminata / tapertip hawksbeard
- leaves (diagnostic) - long; many deep triangular, pointed lobes; upright, grey-green; milky sap
- flowers - 5-10 rays, no disc florets; yellow; up to 70 per plant
- dry, open places in foothills; commonly with sagebrush
Elymus trachycaulus / slender wheatgrass
- cool season bunchgrass; no rhizomes
- flower spikes very narrow and linear; overlapping spikelets tightly pressed to stem
- flat, medium-width leaves; somewhat bluish
- beautifully straw colored in fall
- common but rarely abundant; many habitats
Erythronium grandiflorum / glacier lily
- striking, yellow, six tepals - recurved and nodding
- large, yellow or red anthers, a single pistil
- two large green basal leaves
- early spring
Fragaria vesca / woodland strawberry
- trifoliate, light green markedly toothed leaves
- clusters of hairy, 5-petaled white flowers on a soft-hairy stem
- plants spread by stolons
- fruit (if any) red with bumps where the seeds are
- spring/early summer bloom
- widespread
Helianthus annuus / sunflower
- tall with big, drooping leaves (up to 15x15 inches)
- large sunflower like flowers - yellow petals, darker disk
- disturbed edges and waste areas, roadsides, near crops
Heracleum maximum / cow parsnip
- very tall - stands above most other herbs and forbs
- huge leaves with clasping sheaths at the stem junction
- leaves lobed and like a very large maple
- huge flat umbels with white flowers
- grooved, woolly, stout stem
Hydrophyllum capitatum / ballhead waterleaf
- leaves to 10" tall, deeply lobed (7-11 lobes)
- globe of purple-blue-white flowers below the leaves or at ground level
- flowers are fuzzy while still in bud
- rocky, shady, seasonally moist sites
Koeleria macrantha / Prairie Junegrass
- short, tuft-forming bunchgrass
- leaves short and basal with raised veins
- grows in early spring; flowers in June/July
- spike-like cylindrical inflorescence, 2-5" long, tan or purple
- scattered distributions, esp. in rocky or sandy forests or plains
Showing 13–24 of 58 results