early spring
Showing 1–12 of 33 results
Agropyron cristatum / crested wheatgrass
- cool season grass growing in dense tufts
- easily recognized by planar spike
- spikelets overlap and are angled with respect to the stem
- common
Allium acuminatum – tapertip onion
- umbels with 10-40 flowers atop a tall scape
- 6 magenta (or white) tepals per flower
- few leaves and all withered prior to flowering
- dry hillsides, sun-exposed rocky meadows and slope, volcanic areas
Boechera retrofracta / reflexed rockcress
- spring blooming crucifer (brassica)
- white or lavender, pendent, bell-shaped flowers
- many flowers on a single stalk (raceme)
- hairy rosette and stem leaves
- usually in rocky, sagebrush communities
Bromus tectorum / cheatgrass
- short bunchgrass, 2 to 30 in at floweirng
- panicle with all florets to one side; long awns
- early season growth, flowering, seed drop
- florets green, turning purple as seeds mature
- highly invasive!
Camassia quamash / small camas
- immediately visible for its star-shaped blue flowers and yellow anthers
- flowers borne on a spike-like raceme, opening from the bottom up
- multiple flowers open at one time
- leaves are grass-like, growing from a bulb
- large seed capsules with ca. 30 roundish black seeds, ripe in late summer
Carduus nutans / musk thistle
- quite large, very purple flower heads
- spiny everything... leaves, stems, bracts
- biennial - large rosette of nasty leaves in first year
- dandelion-like fruit that flies away like the down of a thistle
- disturbed lands... pastures, wastelands, roadsides, construction sites
Castilleja covilleana / Rocky Mountain paintbrush
- clearly, one of the "Indian paintbrushes"
- early bloomer in the spring, even when quite short
- bright red, orange (sometimes yellow) bracts
- bracts and leaves have 3-7 deep lobes with long, soft hairs
- often grows in clusters
Castilleja miniata / scarlet paintbrush
- bright red, or orange or sometimes yellow bracts that are mistaken for flowers
- looks like a red feather duster, but only a few inches long
- generally low, and along streams or roadsides on hills where there is moisture
- leaves ovoid with prominent veins, no petioles
Claytonia lanceolata / lanceleaf spring beauty
- small, very early spring, ephemeral
- 5 white or pink-ish petals with pink/purple stripes
- pair of opposite leaves at mid-stem; lanceolate
Delphinium bicolor / low larkspur
- short plant with a spike of purple flowers
- individual flowers have a pronounced spur out the back
- leaves are few, round, deeply lobed, about the size of a quarter
- widespread throughout the valley and on the hills
- appears and blooms soon after snowmelt
Dodecatheon pulchellum / shooting star
- five pink to lavender lobes projecting backwards
- white or yellow petal bases above a squiggly purple ring
- anthers joined into a projecting point; stigma projecting past the point
- snowmelt to early spring
- wet meadows to sagebrush communities
Equisetum arvense / field horsetail
- segmented brown stems with spore-bearing "cone" at the tip
- or - segmented green stem with thin green branches radiating from nodes
- distinctly visible nodes along the stems
- no leaves or flowers
- found in many different habitats
Showing 1–12 of 33 results