drought tolerant
Showing 37–48 of 110 results
Draba nemorosa / yellow whitlow-grass
- teeny, often silvery plant with teeny yellow 4-petal flowers
- rosette leaves have trichomes even when not really silvery
- annual ephemeral seen soon after snowmelt
- usually exposed near or on rocks, dry slopes
- flat, elliptical seed capsules
Drymocallis arguta / tall cinquefoil
- yellow flowers, 5 petals with pointy green sepals between
- many stamens; central disk of yellow pistils
- flowers in clusters with short stems (cyme)
- most leaves basal - pinnately compound, coarsely toothed, obovate
- many soil types, but not overly moist
Elymus trachycaulus / slender wheatgrass
- cool season bunchgrass; no rhizomes
- flower spikes very narrow and linear; overlapping spikelets tightly pressed to stem
- flat, medium-width leaves; somewhat bluish
- beautifully straw colored in fall
- common but rarely abundant; many habitats
Equisetum arvense / field horsetail
- segmented brown stems with spore-bearing "cone" at the tip
- or - segmented green stem with thin green branches radiating from nodes
- distinctly visible nodes along the stems
- no leaves or flowers
- found in many different habitats
Eremogene kingii / King’s sandwort
- low-growing herb with long, thin basal leaf clusters
- white, 5-petaled flowers, ca. 1/2 in across, in terminal clusters
- 10 stamens, sometimes dark, sometimes white
- at higher elevations on shallow soil
Ericameria nauseosa / rubber rabbitbrush
- golden-yellow flower heads in profusion
- small 5-petaled flowers
- widespread shrub
- very narrow, linear leaves
- white sticky sap ("rubber")
Erigeron compositus / cutleaf fleabane
- "obviously" a daisy - white "petals" (ray florets), yellow center (disk florets)
- flowers ca. 1" diameter
- flowers grow above hairy leaf mat
- early spring - soon after snowmelt
- rocky areas amongst sagebrush
Erigeron speciosus / aspen fleabane
- prolific purple-ish flowers with many "petals" and a yellow center
- forest openings and edges, meadows
- late blooming - a "fall aster"
Erysimum capitatum / western wallflower
- yellow (usually) 4-petaled flowers at top of stem
- inflorescence may be as big as a baseball, and round
- mostly basal rosette of leaves
- cauline leaves narrow with small teeth
- siliques horizontal to nearly vertical; relatively long
- variety of habitats, but not wetlands
Festuca idahoensis / Idaho fescue
- a bunchgrass growing in very dense clumps
- over-winters green; an early green grass in spring
- green to blue-green to silvery green leaves
- individual flowers in clusters of hairy spikelets on branched panicles; very dark purple or green
- seeds have large spines (awns) at the tips
Gaillardia aristata / common blanketflower
- bright red petals with yellow tips, or yellow petals the whole way
- reddish brown central disk
- attractive yellow seed balls with tufts of red hair all over
- leathery, slightly hairy leaves
Showing 37–48 of 110 results