drought tolerant
Showing 25–36 of 110 results
Ceanothus velutinus / snowbrush
- waist-high, exposed evergreen shrub
- aromatic in hot weather or when leaves are crushed
- shiny (sticky) green leaves, ca. 3"; 3 prominent veins
- 4" clusters of teeny white/cream flowers
- in disturbed areas, particularly burned areas
Cercocarpus ledifolius / curl-leaf mountain mahogany
Chaenactis douglasii / Douglas dusty maiden
- leaves "woolly" or hairy; intricately divided
- leaf and lobe tips curled or twisted
- flowering stems coated with "cobwebby" hairs
- flower heads of white/pinkish tubular disk florets in a glandular cup
- forked styles protrude past tubes
- often in rocky areas and crevices
Chenopodium album / lamb’s quarters
- green, nobbly inflorescence - many nob-like flowers
- leaves grey-green, more or less triangular
- leaves may feel cool to the touch
- widespread weed, especially in disturbed habitats
Chimaphila umbellata / pipsissewa
- small herb/forb
- shiny, toothed lance point leaves
- half-inch, pink and white, upside down flowers
- flowers in umbel like cluster
- flowers with minimally visible style
Collomia linearis / tiny trumpet
- teeny, tubular, lilac to white flowers
- flowers in clusters at top of stem in a basket of leaves
- velvety stem; long, narrow, lance-shaped leaves
Comandra umbellata / bastard toadflax
- teeny, funnel-shaped white-ish flowers in clusters
- small plants, thick-ish, pointy stem leaves; more oval basal leaves
- clonal - may colonize large areas
Crepis acuminata / tapertip hawksbeard
- leaves (diagnostic) - long; many deep triangular, pointed lobes; upright, grey-green; milky sap
- flowers - 5-10 rays, no disc florets; yellow; up to 70 per plant
- dry, open places in foothills; commonly with sagebrush
Cynoglossum officinale / houndstongue
- reddish-purple flowers in upper leaf axils
- forms basal rosette with hairy leaves in first year
- stem leaves lance shaped, hairy, rough
- fruit - small nutlets with barbs or hooks
Danthonia californica / California oatgrass
- medium-sized, cool season bunchgrass
- florets widely spaced with long stalks on an open panicle
- may have flowering stems that appear wiry and crinkled
- when flowering, stamens are purple
Descurainia pinnata / western tansy mustard
- another stupid yellow crucifer
- erect stem, up to 30 inches
- deeply lobed leaves, without petioles up-stem
- often near or under sagebrush, otherwise dry, disturbed and crappy soils
Dianthus armeria / Deptford pink
- PINK! 5 petaled, very small flowers
- Toothed edges; white spots on petals, numerous stamens
- Linear, opposite leaves; bases make sheath around stem
- Disturbed areas; happy enough in the worst of soils
Showing 25–36 of 110 results