
Showing 25–32 of 32 results

  • Penstemon palmeri / Palmer’s penstemon

    • very tall, exposed
    • pink flowers with rose/grape scent
    • flowers clumped on one side of stem in groups of 4-5
    • red "guidelines" (bloody fangs) on lower petals
    • stem leaves opposite, clasping, like little boats
  • Phalaris arundinacea / reed canarygrass

    • large, coarse, erect grass
    • long, flat blades with pointy tips...  from base
    • distinct ligule—membranous and long
    • large but compact inflorescences (panicles)
    • often in dense monocultures, e.g. on river banks
  • Pinus flexilis / limber pine

    • high elevation, rocky or talus, dry, high-stress habitat
    • often - stunted and deformed by wind
    • highly flexible branches
    • needles in bundles (fascicles) of 5
    • often - semi-rotted cones on ground below
  • Primula parryi / Parry’s primrose

    • striking, bright magenta (or pink) flowers with yellow centers, 5 petals
    • 3 to 30 flowers per stalk
    • brilliant green foliage as a rosette
    • foliage releases horrible smell with the slightest touch
    • typically at higher altitudes in wet places
  • Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas fir

    • persistent cones with distinctive 3-pronged, "mouse tail", bracts
    • semi-pointy, but not stiff or sharp, single needles
    • needles attached to twigs by petioles (no pegs)
    • oval leaf scars
    • twig buds are pointy, "lustrous" brown
  • Solidago canadensis / goldenrod

    • large sprays of yellow flowers in late summer and fall
    • often tall and in large colonies
    • lance-shaped, toothed leaves
    • mostly (but not always) in disturbed areas
  • Veratrum californicum / California false hellebore

    • huge inflorescence covered with one-inch-plus flowers
    • six white tepals with green centers
    • moist areas, possibly very dense stands
    • foot-long, heavily veined, pleated bright green leaves
  • Wyethia helianthoides / white mule’s ears

    • large, white-rayed flowers - like daisies
    • large leaves, reminiscent of mule's ears
    • uncommon but in huge profusion when it is found
    • in wetlands or wetter meadows and especially in the spring.

Showing 25–32 of 32 results