Showing 49–60 of 94 results
Hyocyamus niger / black henbane
- highly toxic! including contact dermatitis
- 5-lobed, funnel-shaped flowers, brownish yellow with purple veins and center; 1.5" across
- flowers in summer, e.g. warm June, July
- elliptical leaves, pointy tips, toothed or lobed margins, prominent veins
- highly disturbed areas: wastelands, field edges etc.
Lactuca serriola / prickly lettuce
- numerous dime-sized yellow flowers in an "airy" panicle
- buds droop or hang in a "shepherd's hook" before opening
- seed heads are dandelion-like, but more delicate
- highly divided, prickly leaves
- mostly in "waste" areas
Leucanthemum vulgare / oxeye daisy
- bright, white "petals", 2-3" across; yellow centers
- s/he loves me, s/he loves me not
- glossy green, spoon-shaped leaves in a 2 foot dome
- may form large colonies
- potentially wide spread
Linum lewisii / wild blue flax
- intense blue, 5-petaled flowers
- red-ish or darker blue veins in petals
- buds, flowers and developing fruit present at same time
- narrow, sessile, 1 inch (ish) leaves
- especially on roadsides and in meadows in the Valley
Lotus corniculatus / birds-foot trefoil
- roadsides and other disturbed areas
- numerous bright yellow, pea-like flowers
- three, oval and pointed leaflets
- seed pods are arranged like toes on a bird's foot
Madia glomerata / mountain tarweed
- stems, leaves, flowers - strongly aromatic, like tar
- sticky glandular hairs cover foliage and floral bracts
- flowers in clusters with 1 to 3 yellow ray florets
- disk florets retain visible petals; black stamens
Malva neglecta / cheeseweed
- leaves look like grocery store geraniums (Pelargonium)
- flowers are small, pink-ish and often buried in the foliage
- fruits are small (ca. 1/2 in) and round
Medicago sativa / alfalfa
- escaped forage plant
- bright purple flowers in dense clusters
- pea-like flowers with broad upper petal, 2 small laterals, keel
- compound leaves with 3 leaflets, the central one extended on a short stalk
- disturbed sites - roadsides, full sun
Melilotus spp / sweetclover
- yellow or white, floppy, tubular flowers in long-ish clusters (racemes)
- 3 small, pointy leaflets with petioles
- rangy, unkempt branching
- roadsides, waste places and sometimes in fields, grasslands
Mentha canadensis / American cornmint
- crushed leaves smell like peppermint
- clusters of teeny white-blue-pink flowers in the axils of stem leaves
- square stems, lance-shaped leaves
- shaded, moist areas
- may form large clones
Oenothera villosa / hairy evening primrose
- yellow flowers on tall stalks, several flowers in a cluster
- 4 petals; 8 stamens; large, 4 part stigma
- hairy - often reddish - stems; hairy leaves
- lance-shaped leaves, larger on stem than basal
- disturbed areas and stream banks
Showing 49–60 of 94 results