Showing 85–96 of 129 results
Polemonium occidentale / western Jacob’s ladder
- brilliantly blue flowers with bright yellow anthers, in clusters
- pinnately compound leaves with up to 27 narrow, lance-shaped leaflets
- most leaves on separate stems from the flowers
- usually in wetlands
Populus tremuloides / quaking aspen
- white barked, often growing in large clones
- leaves flat with long, flat petiole at 90˚
- leaves quake in even light breezes
- twigs and buds reddish, long and pointed
- catkin flowers in very early spring
- leaves turn yellow or reddish or orange-ish in fall
Potamogeton richardsonii / Richardson’s pondweed
- submerged aquatic with emergent inflorescence
- crinkly, broad-ish leaves which clasp the stem
- variable length internodes
- often tangled up with sago pondweed
Potentilla fruticosa / shrubby cinquefoil
- low, deciduous, shrub; wetlands and riparian zones
- yellow buttercup-like flowers with 5 leaflets, often in clusters
- blooms from June until frost
- pinnately compound leaves, typically with 5 leaflets
- fruit (achene) remains into winter
Prunella vulgaris / self-heal
- compact spike of tiny purple, mint-like flowers
- upper/lower lips purple and white respectively
- square stems, opposite leaves
Prunus virginiana / western chokecherry
- oval leaves with serrated margins and abrupt taper at tip
- reddish twigs with prominent lenticels
- drooping clumps of white flowers w/ yellow centers in spring
- red to black cherries in fall, up to ½ inch diameter
- leaves turn orange or yellow in fall
Pteridium aquilinum / common bracken
- a fern with large, triangular fronds, up to 4 ft tall
- fronds subdivided into triangular leaflets
- herbaceous perennial
- deciduous with annual regrowth first appearing as fiddleheads in spring
- wide range of habitats, including full sun
Pterospora andromedea / woodland pinedrops
- sticky-haired, reddish brown plant; no chlorophyll
- nodding, yellow and pink flowers like upside-down urns
- unbranched stem with "invisible" scale-like leaves at base
- old, woody stalks with pumpkin-shaped capsules persist at least one season
- in pine or mixed conifer forests
Purshia tridentata / antelope bitterbrush
- small yellow, 5-petal flowers in early spring
- small shrub, often in large "clumps"
- leaves look like sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata)
Pyrola asarifolia / pink pyrola
- 4 to 25 nodding red (or pink) and white flowers in a loose raceme
- round petals, edges often curved down
- green style extends out of flower like elephant's trunk
- flower stems may be over a foot tall
- leaves are "liver" shaped or "ginger" shaped and shiny - round-ish but wider than long
Ranunculus glaberrimus / sagebrush buttercup
- one of the earliest spring flowers
- yellow flowers, ca. 1" across
- usually 5 shiny/waxy petals, numerous stamens
- short, mostly elliptical leaves
- in small to field-sized clumps
- very poisonous
Rubus parviflorus / thimbleberry
- raspberry-like shrub usually in a clump
- white flowers with many stamens, up to 2.5 inches diameter
- large, fuzzy maple-like leaves
- blooms in spring; red, raspberry-like fruit in the fall
Showing 85–96 of 129 results